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Hybrid Threshold

DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
I just wanted to get some feedback on if you guys think its worth spending chrons on the Galaxy portion of a hybrid to meet threshold?

Not trying to rank, but wondering if it is worth the expenditure just to get honor, shuttle token and one ten crew portal, or just let the faction stop where it stops;)


  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Chronitons (depending on your crew, I suppose) are easily renewed. The ten pull is worth it.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes. The galaxy part is easy to get points on, the prizes for threshold are good, and there is a faction event next week so there will be time to recoup your lost chronitons.
    Let’s fly!
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I agree that it depends, but not necessarily that a 10-pull is always worth the extra effort to get to the final threshold. Speaking as someone who bought the last 3 offers that included multiple 10-pulls and got nothing but Honor in most of them, a single 10-pull is usually going to be worth very little to me, so unless I've been going for rank, in Galaxy events or Galaxy hybrids I've tended to stop far short of that mark, and use my chrons for something that will make a difference to my crew roster.

    My situation is not everyone's situation, of course, but there are enough players in the same boat to make it worth mentioning.

    Last ten pull I got from thresholds was 400 honor. Some shlub 4*, two 3*’s and schematics which none were 5* so kerp that in mind that this is a possibility. But I will say if you play your cards right you can get real close to thresholds just on the faction part. Open all the missions you can right before the phase change and keep running them. When the time is almost up on them, run the last four with 9 hour double rewards boosts. Just make sure you don’t put someone on a shuttle you need for the galaxy portion, if you’re going to play it

  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I agree that it depends, but not necessarily that a 10-pull is always worth the extra effort to get to the final threshold. Speaking as someone who bought the last 3 offers that included multiple 10-pulls and got nothing but Honor in most of them, a single 10-pull is usually going to be worth very little to me, so unless I've been going for rank, in Galaxy events or Galaxy hybrids I've tended to stop far short of that mark, and use my chrons for something that will make a difference to my crew roster.

    My situation is not everyone's situation, of course, but there are enough players in the same boat to make it worth mentioning.
    Last ten pull I got from thresholds was 400 honor. Some shlub 4*, two 3*’s and schematics which none were 5* so kerp that in mind that this is a possibility. But I will say if you play your cards right you can get real close to thresholds just on the faction part. Open all the missions you can right before the phase change and keep running them. When the time is almost up on them, run the last four with 9 hour double rewards boosts. Just make sure you don’t put someone on a shuttle you need for the galaxy portion, if you’re going to play it

    You're right, it's completely doable to get there (or mostly there) in the first phase. I will actually probably come pretty close this time because I spent a few dozen time boosts and extra shuttle tokens (mostly to ensure I'd get the last Chakotay I needed), even though I was working all day on Thu and Fri. I was mainly talking about if I had to choose whether to drop several thousand chrons in order to get all the way there, knowing the payoff probably wouldn't be worth it. Sometimes I'll make that effort if I want the ranked Legendary, or if I sense the competition is very light, but I'm not feeling either of those this particular weekend, and I've already gotten Chinkotay, so in this case I'll definitely put those chronitons to a different use.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Look at it this way, the final 3 threshold rewards are straight up Honor, a revival token, and a 10x premium pack. The Honor gives you Honor (which is the most in-demand resource there is), the voyage revival token will get you more chronitons when you use it (and more Honor!) and the 10x premium pull will get you a chance at a 5* begold, around 400 Honor from rare crew, and some schematics for replicating items. All three items will get you more Honor, and Honor is what you want.
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    All great advice I really do appreciate all of your guys input. I actually do what banjo suggests and try to milk as much pts from faction as I can, with the advice of opening shuttles at the end and the 9 hour options for the last push.

    I also agree with Bylo, it can be a worthwhile reward, but it is also a gamble depending what you get from the portal.

    Chrons can be easily replenished, however with the amt of events we have and the frequency, if you are trying to pool a large amount for a high rank or win for a future event, this can drain them.

    I was curious how everyone approached it, and I am thankful for the insights.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I, too, use Banjo’s approach though I haven’t used the reward doubler trick at the end - if I am grinding for rank or just to complete all of the thresholds, I want the event crew ready for recipes - using up some shuttle transmissions is far preferable to me than burning chrons and resources to amass VP.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    I, too, use Banjo’s approach though I haven’t used the reward doubler trick at the end - if I am grinding for rank or just to complete all of the thresholds, I want the event crew ready for recipes - using up some shuttle transmissions is far preferable to me than burning chrons and resources to amass VP.

    I agree with the crew that may be needed for the galaxy portion. Run the board on those recipes to see who you need for them, then send your shuttles out, making sure you don’t put any of those galaxy needed crew on there. Or if you’re close to thresholds and that’s all you want, run those shuttles on Saturday, see where you sit VP wise, then do your galaxy on Sunday until you hit 350k
  • MirrorMartiganMirrorMartigan ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    I have found more often than not, as long as you have one person that is bonus crew (say survivalist), on the shuttle it comes back a success. Saving your actual agent crew for the galaxy portion, should you decide to play it. Me personally I'm only playing till I get the third Chakotay from the thresholds, seeing as how the galaxy community portion give me the 4th.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    DeanWins wrote: »
    I also agree with Bylo, it can be a worthwhile reward, but it is also a gamble depending what you get from the portal.

    Perhaps I did not explain myself fully, but I as trying to explain that the portal pull is not actually a gamble at all, assuming Honor is the goal, which it should be. You are either going to get around 700 Honor or around 350 honor and a 5* crew, which is a win-win and totally worth going for. Citing up 5* crew is the goal, and every scrap of Honor is worth it.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    I also agree with Bylo, it can be a worthwhile reward, but it is also a gamble depending what you get from the portal.

    Perhaps I did not explain myself fully, but I as trying to explain that the portal pull is not actually a gamble at all, assuming Honor is the goal, which it should be. You are either going to get around 700 Honor or around 350 honor and a 5* crew, which is a win-win and totally worth going for. Citing up 5* crew is the goal, and every scrap of Honor is worth it.

    Or Honor and a 4* crew, for those who still need SR's. ;)

    Regarding your other point — Honor is nice, but for me it's not necessarily always worth the extra effort and resources, especially in this case. My personal feeling is that I get plenty of Honor from other sources, and am usually sitting on a surplus, so chasing after 1000 or so Honor by having to spend time and chrons that I could better spend elsewhere doesn't always make sense for me. To each their own, of course, though — we all have different things we want out of the game, and are spread across many different levels of achievement.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    I also agree with Bylo, it can be a worthwhile reward, but it is also a gamble depending what you get from the portal.

    Perhaps I did not explain myself fully, but I as trying to explain that the portal pull is not actually a gamble at all, assuming Honor is the goal, which it should be. You are either going to get around 700 Honor or around 350 honor and a 5* crew, which is a win-win and totally worth going for. Citing up 5* crew is the goal, and every scrap of Honor is worth it.

    Or Honor and a 4* crew, for those who still need SR's. ;)

    Regarding your other point — Honor is nice, but for me it's not necessarily always worth the extra effort and resources, especially in this case. My personal feeling is that I get plenty of Honor from other sources, and am usually sitting on a surplus, so chasing after 1000 or so Honor by having to spend time and chrons that I could better spend elsewhere doesn't always make sense for me. To each their own, of course, though — we all have different things we want out of the game, and are spread across many different levels of achievement.

    I agree and i don't always press for the top threshold, but I have recently realized that I have progressed to the level where I am only limited by the power of my 5* crew, so when in doubt I prefer to press, because what else am I going to use those resources for, you know?
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Honor is nice, but for me it's not necessarily always worth the extra effort and resources, especially in this case. My personal feeling is that I get plenty of Honor from other sources, and am usually sitting on a surplus, so chasing after 1000 or so Honor by having to spend time and chrons that I could better spend elsewhere doesn't always make sense for me. To each their own, of course, though — we all have different things we want out of the game, and are spread across many different levels of achievement.

    I agree and i don't always press for the top threshold, but I have recently realized that I have progressed to the level where I am only limited by the power of my 5* crew, so when in doubt I prefer to press, because what else am I going to use those resources for, you know?

    I hear ya.

    Really, pretty much the only crew I have unleveled any more are whomever I get in events and special packs. But even with that, I still find myself going through a fair amount of chronitons. I don't spend nearly as much on the game as I once did, so those all mainly come from dailies, Voyages, Gauntlet drops. I usually have a few thousand on hand, but certain particularly difficult crew (I'm looking at you, original recipe Annorax) might need a good chunk of that to get FE, in addition to multiple replications. Then of course I do try to have enough on hand for full Galaxies, when there is a new SR who I need/want to get FF; and when there's a Skirmish in the near future, I try to stock up so that I can play quite a few hours of that.

    Also, it sounds like I probably approach the game from a different angle than you do, in that I am no longer terribly concerned about the strength of my crew. I feel like I've got quite good coverage in all areas, so I tend to focus on new crew acquisitions these days. There are exceptions to that, though — when I get a bunch of Honor or new citations I do look at who might help my roster become even stronger... for example, I recently got Gary Seven FF after months of using him in nearly every Gauntlet, knowing that he'd also become quite valuable for Voyages, as well. So when I do have the opportunity to immortalize Legendaries, their strength and corresponding value to my roster is unquestionably taken into account. Most of the time, though, that objective isn't exactly on my radar. Thus, I don't especially focus on obtaining more Honor, but I will nonetheless make use of it from time to time. 🙂

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • @DeanWins , my approach is a combination of both @Banjo1012 's and @ByloBand 's. Before the end of the faction phase, I open up 12 shuttle missions. After faction phase ends and galaxy phase begins, the missions can still reward XP points, and the event crew still offer bonuses. I run four shuttle missions across three 3-hour intervals alternating different high-bonus event crew (Determined Janeway, Drafted McCoy, Resolute Chakotay, Jett Reno) and medium-bonus event crew (Borg Queen, Ahdar Ru'Afo) to be the "lead" in the shuttle. In the last 3 hour interval, before the last shuttle expires, I add on a 9 hour boost to double the reward earned. After all the shuttles return, I then start on Galaxy phase

    The total net "earnings", if all shuttles return successful, is 16000*3 + 32000. I can then start working on Galaxy portion and strategize if I want to stop at 350000, or keep playing to hopefully earn a 5*. In this way, I conserve the amount of chronitons I spend in the Galaxy phase.
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Before the end of the faction phase, I open up 12 shuttle missions. After faction phase ends and galaxy phase begins, the missions can still reward XP points, and the event crew still offer bonuses.
    I realized that the crew bonus vanishes as soon as you start the 2nd phase. I aborted Chakotay's chit-chat (= forceclosed the game) as I suspected "enter event" might have been a mistake but the bonus was still gone.

    So if I would not have entered phase 2 the bonus of event crew would have persisted until all the opended shuttles had run out?

    PS: Despite my mistake I made it to threshold with the faction part alone, but of course the last shuttles were far less successful. Now I am thinking... I want two McCoys. Has anyone an indication of how many VP currently are needed for rank 3000? I am a good way ahaid but still concerned about last minute turn-ins as I have nothing at hand currently.

    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    The ten pull is worth it.
    700 Honour is hardly worth it! Why I stopped buying packs a long time ago.

    Meh. I quit at 130,00 VP - I still get the community pull and accompanying cards and I get to rest my RSI clicking pointless recipes through the blender.

    DB: Do Better
  • BakerbeanzBakerbeanz ✭✭✭
    Yes, they're worth it. Easily recouped with a few low level voyages and the Cadet missions (run the adds for 2x)
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Unless you're storing up chronitons for a future run at a top 10 finish, it's worth it.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    With holdover shuttles after the phase change, I got to about 320,000 VP. I got the rest to close out the thresholds almost entirely on existing inventory, having only needed to drop some time and about 80 chrons to make up for missing items. I even did the last bit without Drafted McCoy or Chakotay - Janeway, the Borg Queen, and Katra McCoy (who was on one of the very last shuttles) did well enough on their own to generate rare drops...I maybe could have saved one mission’s worth of items and effort, had I not been so aggressive on freezing purples after the phase change.

    Even if the pack ends up being 700 honor and some worthless schematics, the time and resources are definitely worth it.
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm currently in the camp of "honor is life" (or some such witty catch-phrase). Chronitons, once such a rare resource, are now as plentiful (for me) as leaves on trees. So I'll happily convert a few thousand chrons into several hundred honor with a microscopic chance for a 5* crew. But as well-said by others... we all value different things in the game at any particular time.

    Phase 2 shuttle vp is definitely key if you want to minimize your chron usage but still hit the 350K threshold. The crew bonus stays active as long as your app doesn't restart (which is not always under your control, unfortunately). In this past event, I was able to use my squad leader's shared FF Janeway for the overnight (Sat-Sun) shuttles. So yeah, that was helpful. (Full disclosure: I only play on a phone, so I have no idea what the bonus rules might or might not be on other platforms/interfaces.)
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    The crew bonus stays active as long as your app doesn't restart (which is not always under your control, unfortunately). In this past event, I was able to use my squad leader's shared FF Janeway for the overnight (Sat-Sun) shuttles. So yeah, that was helpful. (Full disclosure: I only play on a phone, so I have no idea what the bonus rules might or might not be on other platforms/interfaces.)
    Ohhhh that is a totally different story. So entering phase 2 would not have nulled the bonus but the forceclose did? This is really good to know as I usually often change devices. Thanks for the info!

    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
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