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How should I spend my 100k honour?

I have saved 100k. I can either use it to buy two citations to FF Delta Flyer Paris thereby getting me a first Lucille Davenport from Collections. Or I could buy CPT. Beverly Picard. Which would you recommend?

A little about my account specifics - I have pretty much all 1* 2* 3* and 4* FFFE (just missing some of the Voyage Specific or those not yet in the Portal)

How should I spend my 100k honour? 44 votes

FF Delta Flyer Paris
(CSF) Jesus Is Lord [••••]~peregrine~(HGH)ApolloOdo MarmarosaSunshineRikerWebberoniChriZtobalDirk GundersonEmperor Borg Drone (SC)Bylo Band Bri 11 votes
Buy CPT. Bev Picard
[NDQ] Joker41NAMeXo | das411NS111111Hungry Dog DDM[Deleted User]AggePhotonKimGib - Admiral MarinersIronagedaveThurthoradHaere LinteseregMirrorVerse Jc 12 votes
Use the two citations to level two cards thus gaining 750 dilithium
Captain Durf[SJ] Admiral AkiMirrorMartigan[ISA] Big McLargeHugeJoeSage 2Bakerbeanz@R@ Jorge 7 votes
Something else (please specify)
AviTrekJim RaynorJim SteelePinkyfirst[TFA] CaptainObviousmejoyhPompeyMagnusFlemmingIshmael MarxPrylarDurdenUluruPrime LorcaCaptain SMRElenaeril 14 votes


  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    FF Delta Flyer Paris
  • [TFA] CaptainObvious[TFA] CaptainObvious ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Something else (please specify)
    As someone who also has DF Paris at 3/5, and also almost 100K honor to spare, I can empathize. What kept me from citing him so far is that he is in the portal, and I have a strong aversion to immortalizing anyone who I could get in a begold literally two seconds later. Then again, even with Paris immortal I'd still be one card shy of getting Davenport, so it really depends of how important that would be to you.

    "Something else" since there is probably a ton of crew in your roster who'd make better and more long-lasting use of two citations.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    Buy CPT. Bev Picard
    Unless you don't have any other Legendary options I would go for Captain Beverly extra Med options are always worth their salt and CMD&MED is the rarest skill set and she provides better combined score than Paris.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Something else (please specify)
    I would sit on them, DF Paris is in the loot drop table so no point increasing your chances of getting a FF behold, Another question is would you use a 1/5 Lucille? If yes then go for it, if she would just clog up your roster I would hang fire. . .

    We have to be approaching a new honour hall / gauntlet character so It might be worth waiting to see what the DB gods give us.
    DB: Do Better
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    FF Delta Flyer Paris
    I dont really see much use for Captain Beverly. She is not as good in med gauntlets as other options and with purchase and citations she would require 300,000 in honor to immortalize for full voyage effects. That is a crazy amount. I would either finish delta flyer paris or put that honor towards another legendary you have.
    Let’s fly!
  • MirrorMartiganMirrorMartigan ✭✭✭✭
    Use the two citations to level two cards thus gaining 750 dilithium
    I say get the 750 dilithium. A free chunk is still a free chunk. Just my opinion. All the options have pluses and minuses to them.
  • FF Delta Flyer Paris
    He is a great card imo, great cmd with eng and med as well and his ship ability is great for the arena, I use him there myself
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Something else (please specify)
    My vote depends on whether or not you bought the premium campaign track. If so, do you have someone better at 2/5? If so, you will have 100k honor plus a citation soon. Are there other options? If not, then I would lean toward DF Paris.
    Farewell 🖖
  • UluruUluru ✭✭✭
    Something else (please specify)
    Hmm. Paris is not the best choice, but lucille is. - I don't have Beverly.
    I would maybe wait. A new 5* char is due for the honor hall. Maybe it come the next weeks
  • PinkyfirstPinkyfirst ✭✭✭
    Something else (please specify)
    I voted something else. I have DF Paris and don't use him much. I don't think he is a game-changer, but has his uses. I also don't have Cap Bev...but I do have Reverand Phlox immortalized so I still have a solid Med/Com. If you need Cap Bev to cover Voyage gaps or feel the need to have her for gauntlet, go for that. Lucille isn't overly impressive and would be another 1/5 taking up roster space waiting for honor or you to immortalize even more legendaries. I personally would cite more useful crew or wait to see what the next honor hall legendary will be.
  • PompeyMagnusPompeyMagnus ✭✭✭✭
    Something else (please specify)
    I just hit 100k Honour as well, but rather than finish off two 4/5s or a single 3/5 or adding stars to a 1/5 or 2/5, I'm just going to keep saving until there's a new legendary crew I feel is worth it.

    I don't quite like the idea of using citations on crew already in the time portal, even though the odds of getting a begold are quite low. I may put them on a recent 5* like Doctor Mulhall but I'll wait and see who is added in the next time portal update.
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    Something else (please specify)
    My 2 cents - I don't feel it is worthwhile to drop 100K for the honor hall crew. People can (and have) disagreed about this, and that's fine. For me, Kahless and Bev are overpriced. (Plus, to get the full benefit from Cap Bev, you'll need to cite her up.)

    As @Jim Steele noted, if you think you'll make use of Lucille, then absolutely go for DFP with both stars. But I suspect this is more about acquiring her rather than using her.

    My opinion: 1 star on DFP (and wait/hope for a behold) and 1 star somewhere else.
  • Something else (please specify)
    Save it, Shan implied that a change was coming to Honor Hall soon. I would wait and see a month or so. I am sitting on 140k right now just in case something cool in the update.
  • PrylarDurdenPrylarDurden ✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Something else (please specify)
    Use the honor to buy a bunch of the purple trainers :#

    Edit: just in case someone new is reading this, this is a joke. Never use honor to buy trainers.
  • Hungry Dog DDMHungry Dog DDM ✭✭✭✭
    Buy CPT. Bev Picard
    I'd go Picard, but DF is always good.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    FF Delta Flyer Paris
    I have Paris immortal, no Cap’n Bev. I voted for Paris because even though his raw numbers seem to be a bit of a power creep victim, his primary/secondary skill combo isn’t exactly common, and his other two skill combos are incredibly uncommon. He is a good addition to any ENG/MED or COM/MED voyage and provides a good bump to MED on COM/ENG voyages. That, and he has a good collection of traits.

    Captain Bev’s COM and DIP proficiency rolls are kind of bad, for the cost - and her total voyage score at 1/5* and 2/5* is likewise pretty bad. It’s good at 5/5* and hard to replace for COM/MED with anyone else (the likes of AoS Crusher, Warship EMA, and even The Keeper are all well behind), but is expensive.
  • mejoyhmejoyh ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Something else (please specify)
    I would hold on to the 100k as the base honor to hold (to use when they finally remove Crusher from honor hall).

    I don't think DF Paris is that great. I have him at 4/5 and for MED/COM there are better options Warship EMA and Reverend Phlox come to mind which were both event 5*. If you have either, I would use my cites there.
  • Buy CPT. Bev Picard
    Cap'n Bev is a long-term play, but her CMD/MED combo is only matched by Reverend Phlox, so a good investment for voyages. Plus with Campaigns you can likely get her immortal in a couple of months.
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