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How much dilithium is required to max out the dabo wheel, say, spinning it until completion?

 Bri Bri ✭✭✭✭
I tried searching the forum for this, but it’ll be a lot quicker to simply ask

Best Answer


  •  Bri Bri ✭✭✭✭

    Phwoar!! I shan’t be going down that route
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well, in comparison to the faction stores with 15k for a single character it is a kind of bargain considering that you can save the last 4k with the ad. :D
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    No no no. Use the ad for the last spin. That will reduce the cost by I believe 4,000
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    I actually like to use the ad on the 3000 dil spin. Instead of saving the 4k all the time, some of the time you save 3k and other times you save 7k, but I think it averages out to a little better than 4k savings.

    There is always the risk that you’ll get the gold on the next to last spin and not be able to use the ad, but I actually count on RNG being my event when it comes to Dabo. You are correct though cuz it did happen once where I got the gold on the next to last spin

  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    I actually like to use the ad on the 3000 dil spin. Instead of saving the 4k all the time, some of the time you save 3k and other times you save 7k, but I think it averages out to a little better than 4k savings.

    There is always the risk that you’ll get the gold on the next to last spin and not be able to use the ad, but I actually count on RNG being my event when it comes to Dabo. You are correct though cuz it did happen once where I got the gold on the next to last spin

    Expected value break-even is 25%. If the chances of getting the Gold on the second to last pull are 25% of higher, you should ad warp it. If odds of getting the Gold are less than 25%, you should pay the 3k dil.

    So, if the odds on the wiki are right, you should ad warp when all that is left are top row items, and you should spend the dil if there are any items from the second or third row left.
  • SoupKitchen RikerSoupKitchen Riker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    I actually like to use the ad on the 3000 dil spin. Instead of saving the 4k all the time, some of the time you save 3k and other times you save 7k, but I think it averages out to a little better than 4k savings.

    There is always the risk that you’ll get the gold on the next to last spin and not be able to use the ad, but I actually count on RNG being my event when it comes to Dabo. You are correct though cuz it did happen once where I got the gold on the next to last spin

    I can’t help but get this image when reading the ad strategy and Dabo... lol


    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    I actually like to use the ad on the 3000 dil spin. Instead of saving the 4k all the time, some of the time you save 3k and other times you save 7k, but I think it averages out to a little better than 4k savings.

    There is always the risk that you’ll get the gold on the next to last spin and not be able to use the ad, but I actually count on RNG being my event when it comes to Dabo. You are correct though cuz it did happen once where I got the gold on the next to last spin

    Expected value break-even is 25%. If the chances of getting the Gold on the second to last pull are 25% of higher, you should ad warp it. If odds of getting the Gold are less than 25%, you should pay the 3k dil.

    So, if the odds on the wiki are right, you should ad warp when all that is left are top row items, and you should spend the dil if there are any items from the second or third row left.

    There is risk in all gambling. It’s paid off for me four or five times and did not pay off once. By the way, congrats on another great victory!!

  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    I actually like to use the ad on the 3000 dil spin. Instead of saving the 4k all the time, some of the time you save 3k and other times you save 7k, but I think it averages out to a little better than 4k savings.

    There is always the risk that you’ll get the gold on the next to last spin and not be able to use the ad, but I actually count on RNG being my event when it comes to Dabo. You are correct though cuz it did happen once where I got the gold on the next to last spin

    Expected value break-even is 25%. If the chances of getting the Gold on the second to last pull are 25% of higher, you should ad warp it. If odds of getting the Gold are less than 25%, you should pay the 3k dil.

    So, if the odds on the wiki are right, you should ad warp when all that is left are top row items, and you should spend the dil if there are any items from the second or third row left.

    There is risk in all gambling. It’s paid off for me four or five times and did not pay off once. By the way, congrats on another great victory!!

    Thanks! and yes expected value is just that, the average value, YMMV
  • I got that BIG BUNNY RABBIT from the wheel, lots of Dilithium, free ad, uhm... and afterwards remembering why why why did I do that other than Almost an Angel wanted a new play toy.😂😂😂😂😂
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