Tuesday: New Event Idea Poll
Prime Lorca
in The Bridge
If you could get DB to work on one new type of event, what would it be? And how would you like it to work? Would it be all 4 days, part of a hybrid, or possibly both?
Farewell 🖖
Tuesday: New Event Idea Poll 39 votes
Thank you for your Tuesday contributions, the forum is a better place because of your efforts
Voyage style? But how, everyone would just refresh voyages for dilithium, do we need (another) pay to win event style?
Gauntlet? Would be ok, but not with the current implementation of RNG
PvP? They should provide PvP into this game first, arena is not real PvP, besides that AI really dumb
First, the spirit of the thread is to ask you how you would like it to work to make it appealing to you. How would design a starbase defense event to balance f2p and p2w? Could you do that in a way that would be fun?
Second, I have seen these ideas on the forum before. I've proposed ways to make a couple of them work, but I would like to get other thoughts. Feel free to jump in and be creative.
Actually, you'd be surprised, we've actually come up with what looks to me to be a really promising framework for a Voyage event structure, all in the span of like 30 minutes.
I'd be curious to hear it actually.
I will save the Honor of unveiling the Elim Band Voyage Event idea for @Elim Lorca [10F] as I definitely was the co-pilot Or at the very least, fewer of the ideas I threw at the wall stuck
I would like to see what gets added here. We can mesh ideas here with our own and save them for next Tuesday.
I have next Tuesday reserved
First idea for starbase defence - calculate average value of all fleet members for each stat, so there would be average SCI, ENG and so on. Then these values are compared for attacking and defending fleet, who have more values that are bigger than opponent’s wins. I.e. fleet should have at least 4 average stats bigger than opponent. The more powerful the opponent - the more points are earned. It’s basic idea, some alterations may be added. For instance, bonus may be given to defending fleet.
Another idea is to build attacking/defending structures during an event, the way the rooms are built but only during an event. But this idea is more prone to p2w
Are you talking about getting the whole fleet of 50 captains involved? That would sure be new.
How would you feel if there was a mechanic that made you choose between some pretty good rewards and winning the event?
Also, I like the skill rotation idea. I'll try to work that into my idea.
Yes, exactly. All current types are solo. There’s even no reward for fleet ranking now, only for squadrons. I find it to be strange at least.
Seems to me like if they did something like intel for skirmishes and no revives for an event then balanced the return time/length of voyage to better fit a lot into a 4 day period it would be a very nice event.
I think that would be something everyone could agree is awesome!
I’m too much scared, a new kind of event will screw up other parts of the game. But thats just me.
But for now I voted for a starbase defence event. There is nothing for entire fleets in the game, asides from starbase level--which doesn't have anything to do with f2p or any level of spending. Squadron inclusion in events thus far is a joke.
Curious as to how it would work. I imagine it as ever player contributes crew to stations for defences, and also contributes a staffed ship for attack. Perhaps another element akin to expedition where the completion of missions adds defense, makes repairs/heals crew, or attacks a la boarding party? Some way to utilize player's crews in every way.
Pick a skill (IE: SCI) and see how many nodes of increasing difficulty you can clear, with each attempt fatiguing the crew and rewarding VP.
You can either go up in difficulty to get more VP, or stay at the current difficulty to use up more crew.
Since it is based on base plus proficiency, do you risk going up knowing you might fail?
Failure resets your progress, and something is gating entry (tickets, chrons, intel, etc.).
Captain Level: 95
VIP Level: 12
Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
Woah!!! That’s a fantastic idea!!!
Survival games were pretty popular last I checked. Great idea to cash in on the concept. Throw in stuff about bonus VP and less fatigue for Event/Bonus crew and you've got a solid idea. It would probably need a mechanic or two for DB to monetize like dilithium refresh the way gauntlet works or something.