Tips and Tricks for posting on the forum

I did a search for "text format" in the forum and got nothing. Does anyone have a link to formatting text on the forum that they can post here? Or maybe a list of examples?
Through experimentation, I learned that I can hit the bold format, them change the B's to U's to get an underline. I don't know how to do color, strike through, bullets, or lists.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. And feel free to put keywords in you replies that other players might search.
In addition, I've seen players add colors to their captain names in the game. I looked that one up and tried it, but it didn't work. If that can also be shared here, I would appreciate that as well.
Thanks in advance!
Through experimentation, I learned that I can hit the bold format, them change the B's to U's to get an underline. I don't know how to do color, strike through, bullets, or lists.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. And feel free to put keywords in you replies that other players might search.
In addition, I've seen players add colors to their captain names in the game. I looked that one up and tried it, but it didn't work. If that can also be shared here, I would appreciate that as well.
Thanks in advance!
Farewell 🖖
In general, they use BBCode for formatting, docs and examples can be found here
Bold and italics
Strike through
url (for this thread)
Red, blue, etc.
Unordered list:
Hopefully it's a good resource to get folks started.
@Roxton , this is some other stuff which you may find useful. (See above.)
Terms of service state that you should not publicly post the contents of private messages or e-mails. Text is blocked out to keep this legit. Hopefully those whom I've messaged do not mind it being public information that correspondence exists.
It's only my opinion but....
Check out our website to find out more:
I almost covered that up too, but decided to leave it as an Easter egg. Now you know.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
Some codes don’t work, though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also, @eXo | SilverRose helped me out with this syntax a few months ago, e.g.:
I can only get one color into a squadron name, due to the character limit. The Message of the Day is longer & thus easier to fit multiple colors into.
I hope that I helped someone. 🖖
Example: <arroba>"(A) Traveling Man" will show up as @(A) Traveling Man
Tagging @~peregrine~ since he mentioned this in another thread.
(In case you don't want to be Guest_######## anymore)
Go into your profile.
On PC, you click your user name at the top.
On mobile, use the hamburger menu at top left and select Profile.
At the top, there is a message about updating your profile. Click/tap that link.
Sign into your account.
At the left, there should be a button that says "Account". Click/tap that if you're not already there.
Change your user name.
You will have to log out, then log back in for the change to take effect.
If you are having any other forum issues, you may wish to try logging out and back in as a troubleshooting step.
Sorry again to Prime Lorca and thank you all for your time.
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