Vagabonds pack
in The Bridge
I wonder if this pack drops only Kilana? I’ve opened in total more than 10 packs yesterday and today, got only her. Wtf?
3 in 3 packs. Very happy with the outcome.
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So does anybody now still want to claim that RNG in this game is normal?
Across a sufficiently large sample set, we should expect to see some extreme, yes. Is it mathematically perfect? Of course not, since it is an algorithm written by people rather than strings of data pulled from radio telescopes or weather stations. Is Anubis sitting in DB’s office, weighing the hearts of players and granting those deemed worthy multiple 5* crew, while the rest of us are doomed to a purgatory of duplicate 4* crew they don’t need? No.
But 3 winners? Or 5 winners? The same day? Or couple of days? Constantly? It’s not the first time when RNG gives us such results. It would be safely to say that it happens all the time.
And there’s much more people doing lotteries than playing this game. So honestly, the amount of extreme outcomes here is waaaay behind any reasonable grounds and explanations.
Sometimes you are the bug and sometimes you are the windshield, just depends on the day.
Most of the time you shouldn't be either as far as RNG is concerned. Most of the time the results should be average (ie under the bell curve) with little to talk about. However, far too often the average is taken from all the extremes to create an average. It is a poorly designed RNG system if every day an above average number of players have an extreme situation that comes up where you are either the bug or the windshield.
All of this assumes that the sampling we have here on the forum is a random sample. People are unlikely to comment about normal results. We are far more likely to hear about outliers. The forum also represents a very small subset of the player base, potentially skewing the numbers further.
I know I only remember stuff like this and going 0 for 37 on golds at one point.
Honestly, it is what it is. Before going 0/4 in this pack, I got 2/4 in the Okona pack. Today I went 0/5 for Amanda Rogers. Who knows what happens next week. RNG is streaky AF - sometimes it plays in your favour, sometimes it doesn't. Buying these packs is no different than gambling really, and you either assume the risk or you don't play.
It took a little effort but she was worth it!
I have found that the only time to grab good loot from the Portal or packs is 4AM DB time.
I confess I've had similar thoughts before. Like the RNG is perfectly random as it should be, but there are only X number of gold cards allowed in any 60 min window of time. So if others get them early in the window, and you're pulling late in the window, you're gonna be disappointed.
Could just be the human tendency to search for patterns and explanations where none exist.
You know, the large sample size argument is bunk. It's a poor justification for screwing a player ANY time. "It's fair across the universe" provides zero comfort when you are the one getting screwed.
Any REASONABLE algorithm would be coded to filter out these extreme outcomes, and protect players from them.
Unless, of course, you monetarily benefit from players getting unacceptable outcomes.
"Fair across the universe of players" is pablum served up to justify bad coding.
Even Anubis would have better coding
True in theory, but even if we assume that all other results are normal, it’s still too many extreme outcomes. I mean, how many pulls are performed in average? Millions? I don’t think so. I bet it’s about couple of thousands. Not every player does these pulls you know. But just look in this and other threads, extreme results happen all the time.