Fleet Management changes needed
Princess Trista
in The Bridge
I think this game needs our Admirals to have the ability to change Squad Leaders, add or remove players from squads, and disband squads. I also think that there should be safeguards implemented in case of Admirals disbanding their fleet. Maybe adding a Co-Admiral would work, as my fleets do have Co-Admirals that switch out every so often. Because right now there is so much time and work invested in these fleets and Starbases that an accidental disband could happen, and then some players could actually quit if that happened. I think most Admirals would like these suggestions. Any other ideas to add?
What a petty thing to do. That **tsk tsk** that you had to go through that
A co-adm or vice-adm situation for secondary command. Mostly in case your adm goes dark, or takes leave there is no ability to manage the fleet. There should be 2 fleet cmd officers with the same capability of controlling the fleet/starbase. Of course the adm who created the fleet would choose the co-adm/vice-adm.
Only the 2 control officers may remove cpts from the fleet. Trollers come in and kick out your members. This has happened to many fleets. Then the cpt gets upset and quits the game.
A squad leader should still maintain the same control in their squad. But in the case a squad leader goes dark or is not performing as a good S/L the cmd officers should be able to remove that S/L from the squad, from the fleet, or simply demote them and promote another fleet member without having to disband the squad.
There should definitely be a safeguard for disbanding a fleet. Even a triple click
1st, initial click “disband steps”,
2nd a question “ are you sure? ”
then 3rd “final disband confirm”
And both cmd officers must agree just like the defiant takes 2 cmd officers to initiate self destruct. Lol
For those fleets still in process of building, room recommendations control should be the 2 cmd officers only. Trollers come in and mess this up as well.
Some fleet admirals have requested being able to see who donated daily.
Trollers come in and mess up anything they can. We need better safeguards against this. I dont see blocking a player as much of a safeguard though since most trollers have multiple accts and change their screen name to keep coming back. I am not opposed to the plan. Its just not a guarantee against these ppl. Some trollers have 20-30 accts.
You can place your fleet on “invitation only” in this case, as a temporary fix but this will in no way be a permanent solution to troller’s.
My fleet had a similar situation one night except our troller kept coming in with a different screen name every time for two hours so we finally just set the fleet to invite only.
Only admirals and vice-admirals should be allowed to remove players and they should also be allowed to change squadron leadership and membership.
It’s not a perfect solution but if someone has less than 35 daily targets then they aren’t donating in full.
Should disbanding a fleet even be an option, if the fleet at least has above a certain threshold of members?
Theoretically, if an admiral did leave, one of the officers could be automatically promoted to admiral. Adding a vice-admiral would help designate who would take over, should an admiral quit.
In vega conflict when the leader leaves the fleet he/she can only do so by designating a new leader unless the leader is the only person in the fleet. I dislike the disband button in game. With how much clicking there is in this game it would be easy to accidentally hit the disband and confirmation buttons especially if there was game lag. I have also heard of people whose little brother/sister or kid gets on their game and starts clicking buttons. I would ask DB to remove the disband fleet button.
This is the reason i suggested 2 command officers must agree to disband. If the creator or adm throws a tantrum (as u suggest) the rest of the fleet should not suffer. They should just leave then. And the secondary cmd officer would take over as adm and assign another secondary cmd.
Also, interesting how when i suggested such ideas a year ago the thread was moved to “make it so” section. Not likely to be read by many. But this time it has remained in the bridge.
Brought up something similar a year or so ago... and we’re still waiting for the magic to happen! lol
You can check points towards daily targets before changeover to the next day. Anything over 35 usually suggests captains are contributing. I delegated a guy to record this kind of stuff on a spreadsheet that is published to our officer chat every week. It’s not infallible because you can never be sure which activities the daily points are coming from, but it is a useful indicator until DB pull their fingers out.
I’m all for any changes that would give us admirals more tools to effectively manage our fleets.
Making some kind of admiral’s petition to DB could be worthwhile, I’d be happy to put my name on it.
Yeah that’s too much for me to care about. That’s why I like being the Han Solo of STT. Or the loner Dottie. The rebel.
Currently, the only way is to disband the squad and make a new one
I call this a good organized fleet with many ppl contributing to it.
If you are okay with f.e. ppl in ur fleet that never or barely contribute to daily fleet goals, but still make sure to log in once a day to grab the daily fleet goodies, thats ur thing. We and many other fleets, are not! And its not uncommon to delegate stuff to other officers, since 1 person can t do everything on its own(at least not for long).
Maybe this is a cultural clash or just a non-native-speaker thing. For me to "delegate" something means that you order someone to do it. I do not even "delegate" something to my kids but I ASK them to do it for me.
/edit for the protocol: I do not know what "f.e." means but our starbase is fully built and we reach every single daily target each day. But we are a friendly community where no orders are required or tolerated. Maybe that is the root cause.
I don’t think the word “delegate” is quite equivalent as “ordering”. I think “delegate” *could* mean ordering. But I don’t think it is *always* ordering.
For example, I could say: “Susan, would you mind doing the TPS report while I’m on vacation? I’ve already got a good start on it so you wouldn’t have to do much.” Assuming Susan agreed, I could then say that I delegated the TPS report to Susan, but I was obviously not ordering her to do it in the sense that she had no choice in the matter.
So I don’t think it quite has the negative connotation that “ordering” does, but I will agree that “delegate” is often (though not always) used in the sense of a superior (like a boss) giving a task to a subordinate. That’s probably why the original statement sounded a little odd and brought to mind the OP as “the boss”.
Thanks for the insight! In German "delegieren" always has the connotation of order, and I would not use it in the context you laid out.
I just be really bored to be commenting on this, but I would agree they delegate and order are very similar.
My differentiator would be is it being used as “We delegated” as in the whole fleet asked someone to do something or “I delegated” as just the admiral asking.
Saying he or she volunteered or take responsibility for ..... also removes the ordering context.
I used to proofread things that Native German speakers wrote in English, so I don’t find this a boring topic at all! I’m probably in a small minority, though.
I think, to be as accurate as possible, I would say “delegate” is *most often* used in the context of a superior (like a boss) giving a subordinate a task.
The dictionary says that delegating is, “entrusting a task or responsibility to someone else, typically to one who is less senior than oneself.”
“Entrusting” doesn’t necessarily entail ordering, and “typically” does not mean *always*, so there are some cases where “delegate” is not used in the sense of a boss ordering someone to do something.
However, these cases are very nuanced and context-dependent. If I was advising a non-native speaker, I would tell them not to attempt to to use “delegate” in anything but the typical way, because it is likely that they will not grasp the cases in which it would be acceptable. There are many other words and phrases that they could use in those cases instead of “delegate” that would be less prone to error.