Play timelines on Android without Google account
I refuse to activate a Google account on my Android phone due to privacy issues. But the last version of Timelines does not want to start if the last version of Google Play Games is not installed, and if I install it it hangs when I do not activate an account in it. Let's stay zen
~Shan Why is that?

This might be a new requirement from Google, I will ask for more information.
Well I got the link account achievement which was nice but have to deny the google login everytime I launch the game with my alt (just tapping outside the box)
Since then (about 23 Sep or 24 Sep) I have been prompted to install Google Play games when starting the game. So far I have hit cancel to this prompt, and STT loads and runs just fine. This is on Android on a Samsung phone. I am wondering if this is actually required for STT.
Could this just be Google pushing out their game platform to people? Is it just another game platform like Steam, or Blizzard's BattleNet, or a genuinely required component?
So some of you are able to cancel the prompt and the game loads but for some of you this is not an option?
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