It’s a tough call - DIP/SEC/MED isn’t super common in that order (if you set aside order, then there are two mega event legendaries plus DA McCoy) with Q2 being a notable recent example, but the Wild West collection is a tough one to complete. I took Tucker in a behold a while back for this reason but it’ll be slow going - unless you’re really hurting for ENG/DIP or just desperately want to finish the collection, he’s probably not really with citations compared to many other crew.
I would take trip any day. He's a solid gauntlet and voyage card once fffe and while Jake has a nice slice of MED the jury rigger collection is a valuable one to have and difficult to complete. All in all trip is very good to have
Trip ... vanity collection (there is no replacement) ... decent voyage due to his fairly unique skill set ... decent Guantlet when his bonus number come up.
I actually cited him up to (near) complete Jury Rigger (have since completed it) and add a tier to the Western collection ... he's also on almost all voyages that feature ENG.
Jake ... for MED? Not worth it ... his voyage stats are lacklustre and it will take citations or lucky beholds for him to be of any use really ... I mean, as a 1/5 he's adding around 450 points (without bonuses) to MED for your Voyage ... you're better off sending a 3/4 like the recent Fugitive Burnham instead.
Went for Jake because Medical always hurts me on Voyages. Once he is up there, he go in a Diplo Slot and drop extra Med in.
I would have suggested Jake. Trip is a cool card but Jake has the more desireable skill set
It’s a tough call - DIP/SEC/MED isn’t super common in that order (if you set aside order, then there are two mega event legendaries plus DA McCoy) with Q2 being a notable recent example, but the Wild West collection is a tough one to complete. I took Tucker in a behold a while back for this reason but it’ll be slow going - unless you’re really hurting for ENG/DIP or just desperately want to finish the collection, he’s probably not really with citations compared to many other crew.
I actually cited him up to (near) complete Jury Rigger (have since completed it) and add a tier to the Western collection ... he's also on almost all voyages that feature ENG.
Jake ... for MED? Not worth it ... his voyage stats are lacklustre and it will take citations or lucky beholds for him to be of any use really ... I mean, as a 1/5 he's adding around 450 points (without bonuses) to MED for your Voyage ... you're better off sending a 3/4 like the recent Fugitive Burnham instead.