Touchscreen bug?

Is anyone else encountering touchscreen issues whilst playing timelines. iPhone becomes unresponsive after a few minutes then I have to lock and unlock my phone to get it to respond again.
iPhone 6
iOS 11.4
iPhone 6
iOS 11.4
[was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
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My issue is top and bottom slider notification or control screens keep sliding in front of my gaming screen. When the bottom control shortcut screen slides up, it also suddenly changes my lighting control to very dim so i cant see the game even after sliding control screen back down. Must go manually to controls, reset screen lighting, log out then back in to see game.
Edit/add i did forget to mention app crashes upon startup, try to start game 2-3 times before it actually opens and crashes suddenly while playing. Never had these issues prior to the game upgrade.
Nope🖖🏻natta the problemo. Lol. Same case, same phone prior to stt upgrade for ios no problem.
But u know, maybe sometimes i forget how to work my phone without enough caffeine. Lol. Im not sure whats happening. I just thought it odd enough to mention when i saw this thread.