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1000 inventory suggestion

ST_DreadnoughtST_Dreadnought ✭✭✭
edited January 2020 in The Bridge
Hi DB,

Why not offer 'honor' or 'replicator rations' for player swapping their +1000 inventory items, I have no real need for replicator rations at all but honor would allow me to buy more 5* Citations. Or offer 4* Citations , 5* Citations & Replicator Rations?

Regards V'ger


  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    TOTALLY off subject, but is part of your screen name referencing a Chris Rock movie?
  • As much as I'd like them to do something like this... I can imagine the price to convert spare items to honor would be way too high since.... It's honor... One gold gets ya 550 honor so dumping your entire inventory would probably net ya 1k maybe 1.5. but a little honor is better than none.
  • ByloBand wrote: »
    TOTALLY off subject, but is part of your screen name referencing a Chris Rock movie?

    Not that i'm aware of?
  • ST_DreadnoughtST_Dreadnought ✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    As much as I'd like them to do something like this... I can imagine the price to convert spare items to honor would be way too high since.... It's honor... One gold gets ya 550 honor so dumping your entire inventory would probably net ya 1k maybe 1.5. but a little honor is better than none.

    Agreed but I was hoping for a better exchange rate, don't ask don't get
  • CB4_V'ger wrote: »
    As much as I'd like them to do something like this... I can imagine the price to convert spare items to honor would be way too high since.... It's honor... One gold gets ya 550 honor so dumping your entire inventory would probably net ya 1k maybe 1.5. but a little honor is better than none.

    Agreed but I was hoping fir a better exchange rate, don't ask don't get

    Worst they can say is no I suppose
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