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Honor Sale Again??? Please :)

Can we please get the honor for sale again? We had no warning an honor special was forthcoming and some of us spent it all at Christmas :wink:


  • Yes I also would like to buy some more honor + Citations. Woke up this morning like yay payday! Get on the game to find out the Honor for sale was gone.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    I bought the honor offers up to 49.99. Thinking when it expired they would run it again, and I could buy up to that amount again. But, I also new there was no guarantee they would run it again. They said all limited time offers until January 30th would have a legendary citation on top of its offer.

    @Shan , I do not think the Double Your Crew offer is considered a regular offer . So , I believe it does not include the legendary citation.

    @Shan , the Chroniton offer is a LTO too, does not show that it comes with Legendary citation. So again I guess this is not considered a regular offer?

    Edit: but all it says is all LTO will include a legendary citation with its regular content
  • JhamelJhamel ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think offering that honor for real cash more than once would cause a great imbalance for the non-paying players or those that only buy the monthly card and the second campaign track. One full "run" in that honor sale is already 825'000 Honor and 6 Legendary Citations for about 400 dollars.

    That 825k can be turned into 20 more Legendary Citations and a BeGold in each of them (if no honor was saved up to that point). A lot of "damage" can be done with those citations alone, let alone the ones from the 12 hour duration special offers in the top left corner of the in-game board (so far 3 extra citations possible). If you saved honor, you can get even more of the citations and BeGolds.

    If that offer was offered twice or even more often, the scissors would spread wider and wider between the paying force and the casual players. With three honor sales this week, the high cashers could basically immortalize nearly all of their gold crew.
    "Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree. I realized that too. But not many would buy the $99.99 offer.
  • JhamelJhamel ✭✭✭✭✭
    Oh, I think they would, because that's the best thing you can ever get for cash in my opinion. Getting all the six offers is basically a year worth of farming.
    "Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Oh, I think they would, because that's the best thing you can ever get for cash in my opinion. Getting all the six offers is basically a year worth of farming.

    I gave it a thought but it was a lot to spend. And, I might of done on two accounts. I Instead thought the offer might come up again. And, on one account two of the $49.99 offers were better than one $99.99 offer, that was the deciding reason for me buying the $49.99 offer. I am glad I did now. But if I had not thought that way, I would not have brought the $49.99 one.

    Edit: I assume the $99.99 was the last offer. Did not see another one nor did anyone say they bought the $99.99 one.
  • I was hoping they would have another honor sale today. I'm quite sure everyone is out of honor by now to buy the 40k begold +citation. But the week of sales will continue through Tuesday, so maybe we'll see it again either Monday or Tuesday. I'd bite on it again if it came up.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    I was hoping they would have another honor sale today. I'm quite sure everyone is out of honor by now to buy the 40k begold +citation. But the week of sales will continue through Tuesday, so maybe we'll see it again either Monday or Tuesday. I'd bite on it again if it came up.

    It is possible. But Donatra does make a good point. And, it was something I thought of too.

    But on the other hand, it is a good time to put the sales up again.
    Because now the time limit is just about up. And those that skipped on them might buy. But, there is only one day left I believe. With it ending on Tuesday. That should mean Tuesday at noon eastern the sales of begolds should end.
    So it will be one day, of course that is all that is needed.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was hoping they would have another honor sale today. I'm quite sure everyone is out of honor by now to buy the 40k begold +citation. But the week of sales will continue through Tuesday, so maybe we'll see it again either Monday or Tuesday. I'd bite on it again if it came up.

    Not quite everyone. ;)
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
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