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Can't promote fellow fleetmember to admiral


You might remember from posts like https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/1494/fleetmember-kicked-due-to-bug
With the mystrious kicking, and me not wanting to be the only admiral (wanted to be co-admiral but it would seem this isn't possible). I wanted to transfer command to another officer. The promot button hwoever isn't doing anything. This on 2 android devices and Facebook...

The darn button doesn't work.

What the hell is this? You're really killing my image here.

Edit: i can promote another member, got a confirmation window, whilest not getting it for Poul. Does this mean i can't promote logged in memebrs? Or may admirals not be squad leaders?
Who concocted these rules?

Edit2: what in gods name is this. I've tested the theory against other fleet members. Trying to promote another online member gave me a confirmation window, trying to promote another squad leader gave me a confirmation window, but the one i want to promote... nope, button doesn't do a thing.


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