Congrats Paladin on another F2M
in The Bridge
How fast were you able to build Worf? A couple of us in our fleet made an attempt. I was done at 12:03(I didn't catch the seconds), so I'm curious how much faster you were.
This was within a few seconds of 2 minutes flat. Fastest I’ve had, but also the largest portion of the items prebuilt.
For reference some of the ones I get on new purple event crew are closer to 5:00 if it takes a while to get extra copies from packs. (Though they can be under 3:30 it I get copies the first two 10 pulls after buying the $25 offer).
That is good, I would encourage everyone to have a similar entry (or lack thereof) on their bucket list, a handful of players have the market completely cornered on that particular game feature, and it would be a shame if people were unaware of this and spent resources they didn't need to spend in a fruitless attempt to get a FTM.
Yeah. I didn't even collect my stuff until after 12:30. I knew I had no chance of beating 7,499 people {or more} to it.........
PM for details.
So long and thanks for all the fish.
Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire
Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
cough dabo wheel cough
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Why not first to max on Ships?
Says the guy that Ive seen in UC and the arena rocking the newest ships!! Riiiiiiight