What Should Be April 2020's 5* Arena Schematics?
in The Bridge
Monday post-event question: What do you think April 2020's 5* Arena Schematics should be?
With January coming to a close soon, we'll soon learn what the new ships in the Arena will be for April. At present, there are five ships that have never been featured as the Admiral Division's prize: the Jem'Hadar Flagship, Enterprise A, Enterprise E, Assimilated Voyager, and the Fed Fighter. The Jem'Hadar ship is the oldest (introduced in August of 2018) and has one of the unique voyage traits (Dominion); the Fed Fighter has the other (scout) but that one is also the newest ship (introduced in June of 2019). But the other three are prized ships in their own right.
Also, to throw a wrench into the mix, DB has started to put some of the older ships into the mix for Feb (Kumari) and March (Discovery), which have been featured before. So it's a real open question what will be selected!
If the Commander and Captain Divisions are important for you, feel free to shout out your hopes too.
With January coming to a close soon, we'll soon learn what the new ships in the Arena will be for April. At present, there are five ships that have never been featured as the Admiral Division's prize: the Jem'Hadar Flagship, Enterprise A, Enterprise E, Assimilated Voyager, and the Fed Fighter. The Jem'Hadar ship is the oldest (introduced in August of 2018) and has one of the unique voyage traits (Dominion); the Fed Fighter has the other (scout) but that one is also the newest ship (introduced in June of 2019). But the other three are prized ships in their own right.
Also, to throw a wrench into the mix, DB has started to put some of the older ships into the mix for Feb (Kumari) and March (Discovery), which have been featured before. So it's a real open question what will be selected!
If the Commander and Captain Divisions are important for you, feel free to shout out your hopes too.
Playing Since: 2018-02-26 Level: 99 Fleet: [10F] Ten Forward Loungers; 17hr, 20min Voyage /wo Refuel; 1619 Immortalized Crew; Highest Event Rank: 8 (God of Thunder)
What Should Be April 2020's 5* Arena Schematics? 83 votes
Captain Level: 95
VIP Level: 12
Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
- Ni'Var(8) - Vulcan trait
- Xindi ship(8) - Xindi trait
Yeah, I know we recently had them but I'd rather finish them then waiting for pack drops to do that ... I just want to complete ships rather than having them hang at lvl 8 for aeons.
If I had to pick from the examples, I would probably just go with Fed Fighter, since it seems to be the one most people need schems for.
I'm flying the Enterprise D right now (it fits the theme of the upcoming event), and I was just thinking that I'd forgotten how beautiful it was. To each their own, I guess.
Captain Level: 95
VIP Level: 12
Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
Protecting the Galaxy's Future from itself
Most of us have this ship fully leveled mainly because it had been one of the rewards for arena for so long. New players are at a disadvantage mainly because the arena ships rewards are not repeated as often as they use too. I would suggest that the IKS K'Tong should be the arena award every fourth month. Just to give new players a chance to get that one fully leveled. It is a good ship for skirmishes and would help new players with skirmish.
Its one of the worst 3D models of that ship I've ever seen. You like it? Really? Old games like Bridge Commander look better. It's embarrassing.
Cap Proton Ship for June
USS Shenzhou for July
The Scimitar for August
Xindi Patrol Ship for Sept
Granted, two data points don't make a pattern...but...I'll check back in a month to see June.
I vaguely wondered if the daily reward crew were also repeating from last year. This did happen by accident last year too, they they updated the rewards after the forum pointed this out. The rewards all seem very familiar. I, however, have zero data points to refer against.
Captain Proton's ship wouldn't be bad, it's the only 5* ship with the hologram trait, so at least it will be of some use for voyages once at lv 10 (or does the hologram trait never appear in voyages? I can't remember).
The Xindi Patrol Ship wouldn't be so bad either. I have it at lv 7, so I could get it to 10. If that's the list for the next months, at least there's no Borg Cube in it
Cap Proton Ship is the only hologram traited ship, and it does come up. Xindi ship is similar with the Xindi trait.
But my issue is that there are still five ships that have never been in the Arena. And two of those ships have unique traits (Fed Fighter with Scout; Jem'Hadar Flagship with Dominion); those come up for voyages too. With there being no other practical way to upgrade ships, it's frustrating that those ships haven't been added to the Arena cycle.
But when it comes to arena rewards, I disagree with you. While it's been boring this month because I already had the ship at lv 10, I don't think there's anything wrong with the same ship appearing twice in the rewards. It actually increases the chances of getting it to 10/10. Because it's already been a reward in the past, my Captain Proton ship will be at least at 9 and close to 10 by the end of June, so it will be useful for voyages and potentially maxed out soon.
If the reward for June was the Federation Fighter or Jem'Hadar Flagship I would only get them to lv 7-8, so they wouldn't have much immediate use.
Also, is TP actively trying to kill this game by apparently ignoring things like this? If they really want to frustrate players, they're doing a dang good job of it!
Yep. I agree 100%. I don’t think many of them actually play the game, or at least, they dont play it regularly with their own money.
If they were true fans of the game, there is no way the issues present would still exist. The only reason the game is still here is because they basically have the star trek market monopolized (except fc)........the shocking part is that even with a monopolized market they are still driving players away.