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SR Citation Strategy

EnderWEnderW ✭✭✭✭✭
For a little change of pace, I'd like to get some opinions on how I should use the SR citations from the campaigns. I'm currently down to three SRs who aren't FF but are in the portal (I'm missing 12 other SR that aren't in the portal yet). But I also just got a Mutated Paris for the first time in forever and decided to hold onto him for Evolved Janeway; he's currently at two stars.

My question is, who to use the citations on: go with the SRs I have yet to finish; or work on getting MP to four stars so, when a Coffee Janeway shows up, I can upgrade?

For what it's worth, the three SRs are Smuggler Yates, Captain Kurn, and Tarquin. They're all at two stars. Only Tarquin would help me with collections and not much (I have Spit and Bailing Wire done, so in no rush on Yates). I'm not going to save up citations (at least not while I have SRs to fuse) because I like buying event packs for the honor. I can go either way on this, so would like to hear opinions. Thanks!
Playing Since: 2018-02-26 Level: 99 Fleet: [10F] Ten Forward Loungers; 17hr, 20min Voyage /wo Refuel; 1619 Immortalized Crew; Highest Event Rank: 8 (God of Thunder)


  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yeah, I decided recently not to worry too much about how I'm spending the SR citations I get. For the last one, I used it on a 3/4 crew that I wanted to freeze, and that wasn't yet in the portal. (The time before that, I did much the same, except with a crew who was in the portal but just hadn't dropped that final copy in many months of waiting.) Though I did also consider putting one on one of my pre-fuse crew.

    If you've got someone you can immortalize who also completes a collection, even better.

    My own take on the whole thing is that they're just not as precious as 5* cites, so just use them wherever you have a notion to do so, without being terribly concerned if it's the right decision. ;)

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    I use SR citations in the following manner (in order of preference):

    1. 3-dilemma voyage crew - Guinan, Picard and Colonel Worf have been completed in this manner, still missing McCoy.

    2. The Mutated Paris/coffee Janeway combo ... I keep 'em all 1/4s until I have 3 of one, don't fuse before that time ... e.g. currently have 2x 1/4 Paris and 1/4 Janeway, if I get another Paris I'd fuse up with the citation I have left, not before because I might get extra copies of Janeway in faster.

    3. Save them up ... I currently have one, if I get a second I can instantly get the 4th star for Evolved Janeway ... this is worth a lot more than a frozen 4* in my opinion (especially the three you list).

    I might use one on a recent event 4* that I didn't manage to immortalise (e.g. Commander Shelby). But that's because I don't buy packs ...

    I might use a citation, if pressed, on crew that are part of stat-boosting collections (not the case for you).

    I wouldn't use them on crew in portal (the three you listed). Unless I was massively pressed for crew space, but then I'd cite up/immortalise someone not in the portal ...
    That said ... I have 60+ open crew slots so I'm not worried about that at all ... if you do have crew slot issues then the two above are fine ... but the three you list are 2/4s, so that won't help you out either.

    I don't understand your reasoning to not save them up ... you like buying packs but that means you have some chance to get the in-portal 4*s from those packs, so then why would you cite them up? It is not like the citations take up valuable room in your inventory. If they were 3/4s then okay (like @Data1001 says) ... but they're 2/4s ...
  • EnderWEnderW ✭✭✭✭✭
    RaraRacing wrote: »
    I use SR citations in the following manner (in order of preference):

    1. 3-dilemma voyage crew - Guinan, Picard and Colonel Worf have been completed in this manner, still missing McCoy.

    2. The Mutated Paris/coffee Janeway combo ... I keep 'em all 1/4s until I have 3 of one, don't fuse before that time ... e.g. currently have 2x 1/4 Paris and 1/4 Janeway, if I get another Paris I'd fuse up with the citation I have left, not before because I might get extra copies of Janeway in faster.

    3. Save them up ... I currently have one, if I get a second I can instantly get the 4th star for Evolved Janeway ... this is worth a lot more than a frozen 4* in my opinion (especially the three you list).

    I might use one on a recent event 4* that I didn't manage to immortalise (e.g. Commander Shelby). But that's because I don't buy packs ...

    I might use a citation, if pressed, on crew that are part of stat-boosting collections (not the case for you).

    I wouldn't use them on crew in portal (the three you listed). Unless I was massively pressed for crew space, but then I'd cite up/immortalise someone not in the portal ...
    That said ... I have 60+ open crew slots so I'm not worried about that at all ... if you do have crew slot issues then the two above are fine ... but the three you list are 2/4s, so that won't help you out either.

    I don't understand your reasoning to not save them up ... you like buying packs but that means you have some chance to get the in-portal 4*s from those packs, so then why would you cite them up? It is not like the citations take up valuable room in your inventory. If they were 3/4s then okay (like @Data1001 says) ... but they're 2/4s ...

    To a couple of your points:

    I just finished FF'ing all the 3-parter voyagers, so no longer an issue...until DB releases more...***shudders***. Voyages are, of course, sporadic with SR drops; some times you get a ton, sometimes none. I'm not getting 10hr voyages consistently yet (mainly because I'm in a bad fleet) but I'm inching closer every day.

    I'm fine on slots. I have nearly 70 SRs IDed that I could freeze when the need arises (with probably another 40 IDed as "essential"), so I don't foresee a problem w slots any time soon.

    And my point about buying packs was I wouldn't want to save the citations to use on event SRs, because I get the stars that way. Meaning, I'm a spender but not a HUGE spender; while I don't mind spending $10 an event, I'm unwilling to spend much more than that (I'm wishy-washy about buying/chasing SRs in Tuesday packs). And I'm now at a point where 90-99% of my beholds are all FF cards, so it's an increasingly questionable investment. Meanwhile, the free citations are looking like the easiest way to finish off these last SRs.

    But I need to add that I have terrible luck at getting MP and Coffee Janeway; I've really only seen about 10 of them total (4 for each to FF, and now the 2 I have in this MP) in the roughly year that Evolved Janeway came out. So it could take a LONG TIME to get one together.

    So that's my dilemma: beholds are getting questionable, voyages are fickle for SRs, and there is this long term project that could use them but I have terrible luck getting the cards. But I have these citations that are going to start piling up...So, I was hoping to hear how other people would approach this and possibly get some inspiration/ideas.
    Playing Since: 2018-02-26 Level: 99 Fleet: [10F] Ten Forward Loungers; 17hr, 20min Voyage /wo Refuel; 1619 Immortalized Crew; Highest Event Rank: 8 (God of Thunder)
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    My way is similar to @RaraRacing , with one addition, which bumps his #3 to my #4.

    My #3: If I don't finish any of the mega event SR's with recap packs, then I use citations. (This hasn't happened yet, so maybe it's #3 in name only.)

    After that, I would keep a buffer of 3, just in case a new one came out that I wanted to cite up. Then I might get a little more liberal with using them. But currently I have 3, so I'm not in a hurry to spend them, atm.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Prime Lorca and RaraRacing pretty much covered my approach. With all voyage exclusives and Evolved Janeway out of the way, my next two will go to Indignant Seven to get ready for Cheesecake and the rest will probably end up going towards whatever Tuesday pack 4*s I end up with or any Faction/Skirmish crew I don’t finish with event packs.

    Given that all of your 3-part voyage exclusives are done, I’d probably focus on Evolved Janeway ingredients next. Storing multiple copies of both Paris and Janeway is pretty hard on open slots if you aren’t lucky with drops from packs.
  • I'd agree with saving up the SR citations to use them on Evolved Janeway. Finishing a legend (especially one that's not terrible) is the most valuable a SR citation could possibly be. Once she's done, i'd just use them on faction/skirmish event SR crew.
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2020
    I only use them for immediately useful event SRs (so basically only pure Faction) outside of Megas (those I pull from wrap-up packs instead). Maybe I will at some point sacrifice 3 citations to Fierce Guinan to get her out of my way but I am still considering to airlock her instead.

    I have 15 SR citations but no hurry to spend them.

    Overall I used I think 3 for my FF Lizard though, mainly due to space issues at that time. If she was still in the fusion process today I would rather wait as space is no issue any more.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2020
    At the moment i'm using them on my level 99 indignant seven while I wait for mobile doc to drop/show up.

    After that I may fuse up some 3/4 event crew picked up to free up slots. I've already done Evolved Janeway but that's where the bulk of my citations went previously. The way, I saw it was we now have a very convoluted pool of purples so whenever Janeway and Paris showed up I kept them separate and didn't fuse them the normal way then I would use the citations on whichever one I needed/wanted to make the fusion work, that way you can stock up on the dupes ready for the next one as I didn't want to spend gold citations.

    I have yet to stock up on enough revival tokens to hunt for the 3 part dilemma crew, if I hoard SR citations then I will have to keep a closer eye on inventory cap which is still a faff.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • EnderWEnderW ✭✭✭✭✭
    At the moment i'm using them on my level 99 indignant seven while I wait for mobile doc to drop/show up.

    After that I may fuse up some 3/4 event crew picked up to free up slots. I've already done Evolved Janeway but that's where the bulk of my citations went previously. The way, I saw it was we now have a very convoluted pool of purples so whenever Janeway and Paris showed up I kept them separate and didn't fuse them the normal way then I would use the citations on whichever one I needed/wanted to make the fusion work, that way you can stock up on the dupes ready for the next one as I didn't want to spend gold citations.

    I have yet to stock up on enough revival tokens to hunt for the 3 part dilemma crew, if I hoard SR citations then I will have to keep a closer eye on inventory cap which is still a faff.

    Yeah, I actually have my Indignant Seven done, so I'm in a reverse situation from you (no Evolved Janeway but ready to go on Cheesecake Seven as soon as I see a Mobile Doc).

    Basically what I'm hearing is that MP is probably my best option, given my preferences. As I said, I don't want to save these up; it just feels like a waste of time and effort; and if I used them on event SRs, it would cut into how I accrue honor for my 5* citations. Thanks for all the views!
    Playing Since: 2018-02-26 Level: 99 Fleet: [10F] Ten Forward Loungers; 17hr, 20min Voyage /wo Refuel; 1619 Immortalized Crew; Highest Event Rank: 8 (God of Thunder)
  • Don't use them on anything except Evolved Janeway or Cheezcake7.
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