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Voyage weirdness

I wonder if anyone has experienced the same issue as I have? Last week, Tuesday - Friday, every voyage I started was Medical primary and Engineering secondary. I had different ships and traits.

Saturday, Sunday and today I've had Command and Security. Weird!


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    I've had the same skills appear two or three times in a row occasionally, so three days doesn't sound too weird.
    But if you don't want to send out that specific voyage, you can recall it after a couple of minutes and see if the skill combination changes. Most of the times it works.
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    I just realized that you wrote same skills, different traits. It's probably a coincidence, but I've had that too lately.
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    Good idea to recall after a few seconds. I'll let you know. Cheers
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    Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    There are occasions where I have had the same Ship/Skill/Trait combos for days in a row. It is VERY frustrating! I try start/recalling short Voyages, but it generally doesn't work.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
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    It's actually worked for me most of the time...
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    There are occasions where I have had the same Ship/Skill/Trait combos for days in a row. It is VERY frustrating! I try start/recalling short Voyages, but it generally doesn't work.

    One other step to add to the short voyage reset voodoo:

    After you recall the short voyage, completely exit the game and reboot when the voyage returns.

    Still not 100%, but that plus a 5-6 minute voyage seems to be the best way to reset.
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