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Devalued Dilithium?



  • {DD} Smelly{DD} Smelly ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Exanimus wrote: »
    If you don't pay, you have a crew full of 1/5 golds, and 3/4 SRs. If you pay and buy packs those crew pick up stars. Those stars support longer voyages, better shuttle success, better odds of the special item in Galaxy events, and much more.

    Paying to buy event crew before the event starts and leveling them up allows paying players in galaxy events significantly better odds of having the special item drop right out of the gate. Non spending players who don't buy the portal offer or didn't spend to rank in the previous event, have to spend twice as many chrons for the same VP. They make due with shorter voyages which means building that stash of chrons is harder to build.

    Non spending players get gold and SRs. They have the same need to FE. What they don't get because they don't spend is the ability to FF those crew.

    Whether it's spending money directly on packs, deals that include Dil and chrons, replication rations, and cites. Or it's buying dilithium to expand crew slots, revive voyages, buy extra shuttles, boosts or buy more packs. Spending players build those resource hordes to cash in on at faster rates. They have more FF crew. Buying more packs with money and dilithium, they are airlocking more cards and raking in significantly more honor, which allows them to buy additional rations and cites.

    I'm sure that from the ivory tower people tell themselves everything is entirely about hard work and patience. I'm not condemning anyone for paying to win. To say I am entirely without jealousy would be an obvious lie. Every one is at some point. There is a gap whether the people in the tower believe it exists or not. Lie to yourself if you want. I play how I play, and I accept the side of the gap it puts me on. I won't drop money to compete against whales that will always be bigger. Spending players beat non spending players every single time.

    Dilithium isn't loosing value. The cost for items with which Dil is a currency hasn't changed. The items purchased are still of the same value.

    The thing that is devaluing Dil is the direct cash sales. Cash will always be an exclusive currency the game never drops. Having better cash sales devalues the premium in game currency. I'm not against cash sales. It supports the game. But the mechanics of currency markets are what they are. The value of Dil is dependent on it being the top premium currency, and the value of what you can get with it.

    One thing I can say is buying the event crew before a galaxy doesn’t offer much either. If you are talking about a win you’re talking about what? At least 6 million points? You get three copies of that event crew by 130k points and the 4th for the community reward not too far into the event. I can say too that if you just got to top 1500 in the previous event, a 1/5 copy of the legendary is good enough to take you to victory, IF you are smart and have the resources. No spending is required to win a galaxy. VIP0’s have done it

    I suspect he’s referring to the legendary in this case, not the super rares. I won a skirmish. The very next event was a galaxy. Having won the week before, I had the legendary at 5/5, and I wise shocked at how big a difference it made from my usual 1/5 in most galaxy events.

    1/5 will give you a very good success percentage. Certainly good enough to win. The super rares will also provide that. I won the Bella Q galaxy with these exact criteria

    You definitely can, sure. But with a 5/5 vs a 1/5, you'll save a lot more chrons to earn the same VP. The event I'm referring to was the only time I played a galaxy with the legenday already ff. If the average success is ~75% (guesstimate) with a 1/5, it was much closer to 99% with a 5/5. Over the course of hundreds of builds that's a LOT more VP for the same chrons. I'm not saying that you can't win without a 5/5, just that it's definitely an advantage if you do.
  • cmdrworfcmdrworf ✭✭✭✭✭
    I know everyone feels rich with 20-30k dil lying around, but...

    a) You're already spending it all foolishly. It's not going to expire, so I don't understand the urge (seen all over these forums and reddit) to know the best way to spend it *right now*. Just wait a little bit until you have something worth spending for.

    Exanimus wrote: »
    The idea that dil might be loosing value smells to me like whales being afraid of narrowing the gap.

    This is utterly ridiculous, and you clearly have no idea how much dil someone like me or Paladin generally keeps on hand. Hint: It's multiples of 20-30k.

    I spent about 5k on wrap up packs, but that was planned before the new dil. I still have 36k I'm sitting on and will be for awhile. I'm just happy I don't need to invest in Dil for the forseeable future short of the monthly card which is too hard to pass up.
    Sir, I protest! I am NOT a merry man!
  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    Religious saving gets you nowhere while your roster is half-decent at best.

    Saving, however, with a decent roster can be rewarding. Dropped 1.3 million honor on Convergence Day beholds, hence 32-33 gold cites and a plethora of immortalized golds out of the beholds. and a few extra copies of gary seven.
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Religious saving gets you nowhere while your roster is half-decent at best.

    Saving, however, with a decent roster can be rewarding. Dropped 1.3 million honor on Convergence Day beholds, hence 32-33 gold cites and a plethora of immortalized golds out of the beholds. and a few extra copies of gary seven.

    I do not disagree but as you say this rather applies to a decent roster.

    I also save this and that but I do not dare to judge other's decisions.


    PS: I had close to 700k honor on Convergence day, but my STT start was not even a year ago, so saving more would have caused more harm than benefit to my roster.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Exanimus wrote: »
    If you don't pay, you have a crew full of 1/5 golds, and 3/4 SRs. If you pay and buy packs those crew pick up stars. Those stars support longer voyages, better shuttle success, better odds of the special item in Galaxy events, and much more.

    Paying to buy event crew before the event starts and leveling them up allows paying players in galaxy events significantly better odds of having the special item drop right out of the gate. Non spending players who don't buy the portal offer or didn't spend to rank in the previous event, have to spend twice as many chrons for the same VP. They make due with shorter voyages which means building that stash of chrons is harder to build.

    Yes, having the 5/5 gold helps tremendously in a galaxy. But a good performance is possible with a 1/5 and with good timing you can have better than a 1/5.

    As an example. The following is possible with an VIP 0 account started at the end of August 2018. So 18-19 months old:
    1. ~100k of chrons saved 12-13 months into the account
    2. Half those chrons spent on an 8th place hybrid event (in September 2019) to get a 3/5 Vice Admiral Janeway that was immediately cited
    3. 2.25 million VP in last weeks faction. 16th place and 500 points from 15th in the most competitive faction event ever. Not being VIP 0 would have been nice an extra shuttle or two could have been completed at the end for 15th.
    4. Well over 100k chrons again, and will top 5 or top 15 this week's galaxy with a 3/5 or 5/5 Kira if two cites are used to have her 5/5 for the event,

    The account probably won't get to 10 hour voyages for a while, but 8 hour ones were achieved pretty quickly. And more time in the 0-6 hour bucket actually helps you in galaxies since you get 0-1 star components that actually help you for galaxy events.

    You have to make choices, like only going for top 1500 in 2-3 factions in 18 months. A little more often in galaxies, but farm from every week. You have to stockpile resources and when you do go for it an event try to hit the sweet spot of top 15 or so to get multiple copies of gold at once.
  •  Bri Bri ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    My immediate concern given the recent surplus of dilithium offers on the cheap, and the mini event rewards was that dilithium is being pumped into the game and therefore devaluing it. This would only be true if these kinds of deals persisted over time, it would set a new trend. But, if it is just for the new mini event inauguration and the leap year bonuses then... disaster averted.

    However, would it really be a disaster? It would mean that everything becomes relatively economical henceforth, newer players could close the gap on the established elite with less of a burden. Yet, on the flip side, faction events in particular could become about speeding up shuttles with dilithium even more than they are being done now. And for those of us who have previously paid money at a less economical rate to develop our crew through packs etc, it would also devalue everything we have worked hard and paid hard to establish.
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    [SSR] Bri wrote: »
    My immediate concern given the recent surplus of dilithium offers on the cheap, and the mini event rewards was that dilithium is being pumped into the game and therefore devaluing it. This would only be true if these kinds of deals persisted over time, it would set a new trend. But, if it is just for the new mini event inauguration and the leap year bonuses then... disaster averted.

    However, would it really be a disaster? It would mean that everything becomes relatively economical hence forth, newer players could close the gap on the established elite with less of a burden. Yet, on the flip side, faction events in particular could become about speeding up shuttles with dilithium even more than they are being done now. And for those of us who have previously paid money at a less economical rate to develop our crew through packs etc, it would also devalue everything we have worked hard and paid hard to establish.

    If dil remained the one and only premium currency I would appreciate an increased income ingame or for less cash. My concern is - like mentioned above - the introduction of a newer and shinier premium currency which could be used for events or super-premium-packs and could be even harder to obtain ingame than dil before campaigns. This has been seen in other games once in a while, and this is nothing anyone would appreciate except for super-whales who buy whatever there is.

    Btw at first these currencies are introduced as something that only has benefits - a new currency which can also be obtained in the game at a low pace or bought at a worse exchange rate than the old currency, but it is usable only for additional things, nothing changes to the existing offers. But over time, when everyone is used to the fact that the new currency is there it finds its way into the former regular game play and substitutes the old currency. This could for example mean that after a while event packs could only be bought with the new currency (maybe with better odds than before to lower the pain) while the portal pulls could still be bought with dil. Then everyone would be upset as the new currency is so hard to obtain without cash but then it stays.

    This is exactly what I experienced in other games, after some time events went to only using the new currency there.

    But in the light of the sale of STT the dil flood we saw recently does not mean too much for the future. It could have been parting presents to the community along with plenty of turnover for DB before parting, and probably dil will remain our only ingame premium currency.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  •  Bri Bri ✭✭✭✭
    [SSR] Bri wrote: »
    My immediate concern given the recent surplus of dilithium offers on the cheap, and the mini event rewards was that dilithium is being pumped into the game and therefore devaluing it. This would only be true if these kinds of deals persisted over time, it would set a new trend. But, if it is just for the new mini event inauguration and the leap year bonuses then... disaster averted.

    However, would it really be a disaster? It would mean that everything becomes relatively economical hence forth, newer players could close the gap on the established elite with less of a burden. Yet, on the flip side, faction events in particular could become about speeding up shuttles with dilithium even more than they are being done now. And for those of us who have previously paid money at a less economical rate to develop our crew through packs etc, it would also devalue everything we have worked hard and paid hard to establish.

    If dil remained the one and only premium currency I would appreciate an increased income ingame or for less cash. My concern is - like mentioned above - the introduction of a newer and shinier premium currency which could be used for events or super-premium-packs and could be even harder to obtain ingame than dil before campaigns. This has been seen in other games once in a while, and this is nothing anyone would appreciate except for super-whales who buy whatever there is.

    Btw at first these currencies are introduced as something that only has benefits - a new currency which can also be obtained in the game at a low pace or bought at a worse exchange rate than the old currency, but it is usable only for additional things, nothing changes to the existing offers. But over time, when everyone is used to the fact that the new currency is there it finds its way into the former regular game play and substitutes the old currency. This could for example mean that after a while event packs could only be bought with the new currency (maybe with better odds than before to lower the pain) while the portal pulls could still be bought with dil. Then everyone would be upset as the new currency is so hard to obtain without cash but then it stays.

    This is exactly what I experienced in other games, after some time events went to only using the new currency there.

    But in the light of the sale of STT the dil flood we saw recently does not mean too much for the future. It could have been parting presents to the community along with plenty of turnover for DB before parting, and probably dil will remain our only ingame premium currency.

    I have absolutely no experience playing other games, I only play this because it’s Star Trek. Change is inevitable, I just hope whatever does change enhances the game. The players are infamous for vociferous reactions to injustices, Yargate, Picardgate etc. So, the new owners better be careful 😂
  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    TP/WR can always introduce new forms of currency which can be used to purchase other things, such as new game modes. However, Dilithium will remain the primary currency used to purchase event packs, prem packs, etc. (Leaving wiggle room for the occasional honor packs you can buy)
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • With all of the special deals since Black Friday, I am wondering if DB is devaluing the Dilithium and might bring out a new currency.... something like Latinum. Because dils used to be so hard to get, they were never on sale and now they are so easily obtainable by virtually any means - special first run missions, event rewards, special deals, campaigns....


    I don't think it's the dil getting devalued, but the packs.

    Let's be honest, if you've been playing long enough the packs are pretty much honour. The chances of getting a useful card are minimal, so they're being more generous with dil to reflect the fact spending it is a crapshoot.

    If you're on a bad RNG patch you can go through 10x's by the bucketload and not see a single 5*, and when you're down to needing to FF the last few 4*s in the portal, you'll probably have used citations from campaigns before enough copies will have dropped.
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