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Tickets and dilithium

So, I logged in a few minutes ago and nearly passed out. I was missing like 2500 dilithium from my account. I was freaking the heck out. Then I thought, maybe it’s just a glitch, I need to restart. That didn’t work, still missing. I’m nearly panicking by now, but I’m trying to get the dailies done, when I see it. There are 5 more crew slots than I used to have.

Now I had looked at crew slots yesterday, but they were way more than I was willing to pay. Now, I’m guessing I must have F-ed up somehow, but I’m pretty pissed it’s that easy to make such a huge mistake.

My question is, if I enter a ticket, am I likely to get this corrected? Other wise, I’m likely done playing. I don’t really need to spend $15-$20 a month on a game any way.


  • send a ticket.. they will likely fix it.
  • EnderWEnderW ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    Yeah, send in a ticket. Worst thing that can happen is they say no, and you have to live with those extra slots. But CS is pretty good at taking care of people in these type of situations.
    Playing Since: 2018-02-26 Level: 99 Fleet: [10F] Ten Forward Loungers; 17hr, 20min Voyage /wo Refuel; 1619 Immortalized Crew; Highest Event Rank: 8 (God of Thunder)
  • adonibyte. wrote: »
    Enter the ticket, they will likely fix it. However, I would not lead with 'do this or I am not playing the game'. That is not likely to go over well.

    I agree, more flies with honey. I've had issues without screenshots and was very pleasant. They work with you most of the time.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've had several similar issues. Customer service (with one exception) has always been very good to me. Be polite, be specific, and they will help you. It also will probably take a few days.
  • PhotonKimPhotonKim ✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    I have asked CS to reverse a crew slot purchase and they did it.
  • Yeah, this should absolutely be a non-issue. I did that once on my VIP0 (was checking out the cost and accidentally clicked buy) and I almost cried. CS was happy to fix it for me, no questions asked.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    +1 to the recommendations to be calm and pleasant in your ticket - they reversed a fat-fingered airlocking of my 3/5* L100 Enemy Lines Sisko months after it happened (I only noticed when there was a Sisko event and I wanted to make sure his stats in my Excel spreadsheet were correct), when some have reported being told there is a limited window in which this can be done. The key? Being nice.

    I feel a diatribe on customer interactions with retail/support people coming on...because they are rarely the ones responsible for your problems, treating them as they are gets you nowhere. I’ll hold off everything else I thought I might say because I might earn Shan’s Blue Text of Shame, and really don’t want to make her job any harder than it already is.
  • SpaceKatSpaceKat ✭✭✭
    That’s a relief. I’ve not had good luck with app game CS.

    My ticket was very polite and simple. You have to give kitty a reason for the claws to come out.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    SpaceKat wrote: »
    That’s a relief. I’ve not had good luck with app game CS.

    My ticket was very polite and simple. You have to give kitty a reason for the claws to come out.

    Oh no! Another one with cat puns

  • SpaceKatSpaceKat ✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    I have a good excuse! I am a Kat (Kathy😸).

    I hope they don’t take forever. I’d really like to pick up another star on Dr Hugh, but I need confirmation before I part with more $. My fingers will be crossed for the next 11 hours.
  • Yeah, while CS has generally been very accommodating, they are also generally not expedient. Good luck with that one.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    adonibyte. wrote: »
    Yeah, while CS has generally been very accommodating, they are also generally not expedient. Good luck with that one.

    They reply to me while I’m sleeping and ask for more information. Then the next night.....does take quite a bit of time to just get it going

  • SpaceKatSpaceKat ✭✭✭
    That’s a shame. My “Dr Hugh” offer expires in about 7 hours. 😿
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