More stars or more copies?
in The Bridge
I just managed to pick up my second copy of locutus and im stumped on whether to merge to a 2 star copy or have 2 copies of the gauntlet Godfather. I'm leaning to 2 copies, any thoughts on this?
Getting the first copy up to 5/5 makes him much more useful as he then becomes usable in events (even though hes got low bases) and also voyages (Hes in the top 30 highest total voyage score)
This. Merge first copy. If you get a sixth one, I would start a duplicate, but you may feel differently when you get there.
This. Merge until you get 5/5. Only then consider a second copy.
I third this one ...
Agreed. Once you have an immortal copy, then worry about extra copies. However, only if the character is worth duplication.
Among other things, he can be a "breaker" against Defensive Phlox. Current Gauntlet, both are 25%. Reverend Phlox has beat Defensive Phlox every time for me when they faced off so far.