Google sheets help
in Ready Room
as the title says, I could do with some assistance with Google sheets. Not sure if this the right forum or section, but I'm sure some of you have good knowledge of Google sheets.
Using the lockdown time for something useful, I thought I can make a spreadsheet for the crew selection for factions events (which I used to do by hand previously). I'm a total beginner, but I'm happy to invest some time to learn new skills.
I'm facing a problem at the moment which I have not managed to solve myself. I have a crew list, and the 6 standard skills (see picture below). I managed to retrieve the highest skill, but would like to have what skill it is in the next column (E g SCI or DIP). A bit trickier would be if 2 or more skills are the highest (should be very rare though), then I would like to have something like SCI/DIP in the next column.
For 6 skills I could possibly work around somehow (with if clauses), but I also want to do combined skills (which are 30 columns).
Anyone can point me in the right direction?

as the title says, I could do with some assistance with Google sheets. Not sure if this the right forum or section, but I'm sure some of you have good knowledge of Google sheets.
Using the lockdown time for something useful, I thought I can make a spreadsheet for the crew selection for factions events (which I used to do by hand previously). I'm a total beginner, but I'm happy to invest some time to learn new skills.
I'm facing a problem at the moment which I have not managed to solve myself. I have a crew list, and the 6 standard skills (see picture below). I managed to retrieve the highest skill, but would like to have what skill it is in the next column (E g SCI or DIP). A bit trickier would be if 2 or more skills are the highest (should be very rare though), then I would like to have something like SCI/DIP in the next column.
For 6 skills I could possibly work around somehow (with if clauses), but I also want to do combined skills (which are 30 columns).
Anyone can point me in the right direction?

For the field P3 the function is:
Two equal stats are pretty academic, no crew having this comes to mind.
It’s not common but it is possible:
Whether it’s possible when fully leveled is another matter.
Haha! Like it!
Thanks [Mirror] Sanoa!
INDEX+MATCH was my first try. It did give me the relevant skill (only the first one found though). Unfortunately you can't get it to work in a "arrayformular", so not really any use for me. I want to have the "selection" automatised.
Anyone else have a idea? Seems like a real simple problem, but quite challenging.
But I didn't figure out how to connect this with "arrayformular".
I made a test sheet if anyone wants to have a look:
Any help would be appreciated. Or if someone knows a better place to ask, let me know.
=ARRAYFORMULA(RegexReplace(Trim(Transpose(Query(Transpose(IF(B2:G="",,IF(B2:G=H2:H,B1:G1,))),,5000))),"\s",", ")) - see test sheet
Recently I have this issue that when I type in any box, I get a drop down menu in a different language to select from. I have looked online but have not found a remedy. Can someone please help me?
Much thanks!!
Sorry, but not the proficient myself. I suggest to ask in the Google sheets support forum (, the community is really helpful.
I all of a sudden get the bellow error message.
"TypeError: Cannot read property 'Range' of undefined"
Can anyone help me fix it?
//* Sync Data Valadation on tabs
function sync(e) {
var sheetName = ; // name of sheets
var cell = ; // corresponding cells to sync
var r = e.range
var ss = e.source;
var value = (e.value === undefined ? '' : e.value);
var i = sheetName.indexOf(r.getSheet().getSheetName());
if (i > -1 && r.getA1Notation() == cell) {
for (var k = 0; k < sheetName.length; k++) {
if (k != i) {