Constellations Threshold and Community Pulls
in The Bridge
And I'm done!
Arex is done too.
Arex is done too.
Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
One useful schematic.
A tough begold... But I think I made a good choice!
I'm happy!
Went with Culber.
Threshold: 700 Honor, replicator fuel and these:
Last Spot was a BeGold:
Pah-Wraith Cult Dukat
COP Founder Picard
The Roshenkos
All three were new for me. Took Dukat, because there are not too many Bajoran Cardassians in the game, and he is two of them.........
You chose wisely. He is one of the few I immediately immortalized when I got him in his first event. I got a second one to 4/5 in the campaign. I use both every day even with a whole lot of other immortalized gold crew.
I remember people saying that he was good. But Gloria is part of the Big Goodbye Collection... but that collection is very much on the back-burner. Sisko, even at 1/5, is my 6th best SEC base and 8th best SEC voyager.
- Mobile Doctor (2/5) over Lt. Commander La Forge (3/5) and Augment Commander O'Brien (2/5).
I actually had to think long and hard about this one believe it or not ... I've also not fused the Doc cards yet ... thinking if I want to go for Indulgent Seven ... T.B.D.
- EDIT - forgot, an all immortal 4* behold too.
- Tactical Officer Neelix (1/5) over Revolutionary Damar (new) and either H.M.S. Pinafore Data or Emotion Chip Data (new).
Adding stars is my mantra (to a good card none-the-less) ... and whatever the Data was I wasn't really interested nor in Damar (however cool the card looks).
- Loque'eque Sato (2/5) over Irina (1/5) and Acting Captain Jellico (new).
Kinda easy ... the smart/intelligent choice is Irina, but I have her voyage skills well-covered actually by immortal 5*s ... so went with the choice I like, Sato ... I enjoy collections so this was a great opportunity to add a star considering my crew and the other two choices.
Finally adding stars to my crew ... even though haven't done so for Mobile Doc yet ...