Owwwwwww!!!!!! My ribs!!!!!!!!!

in The Holodeck
I am watching the original "Predator", and they did the part where Anna says it changed color like a chameleon, and Apollo Creed was like "Bullchips! They weren't killed by a giant lizard", and I yelled at the screen "She didn't say he was Batman. She said he was dressed like Batman!" And then I started laughing at myself, and now my floaty ribs are achy.........

"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
Your on strong pain medication aren’t you?
Actually, no. Been out of the stuff I got after my last procedure for weeks. Just getting stir crazy!!!!!!!!
My wife gets cabin fever very quickly. If I suddenly go silent for a day or two someone please call the police
Weirdest part, is I actually went out today. I mentioned in the EV Suit Tuvok thread about having to go to the pharmacy. Picked up my meds and all the popcorn chicken they had in the Deli. I can microwave it for the next few days for meals.