I don't even try to send a less than Legendary Ship. If none of my Legendaries hits over 2500 with the Trait Bonus, I just use the Cube, because it is the first 2500 to come up.
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
Honestly, I'm a bit confused. Enter a new 4* ship from the latest series - yay.
Give it a freighter trait - ok.
Immediately pop up the freighter trait for voyages without any other ship having that trait and no halfway mature account sending anything else than a 5* ship out - huh?
Best case scenario is someone didn't think much about his. But this is another annoying part of the whole ship system now, with voyages dropping only a selected few 5* schematics, dabo extended long ago but low amounts and low chances, and low enough chances in packs that even the dumbest whales do not buy packs for schematics (don't know if anyone falls for skirmish ship packs where you have a chance to get the huge amount of 100 schematics for 350%). Leaves arena where top ranking in a month gives you enough to get a ship to 8/10 if you have the ship and crew to get there.
Honestly, I'm a bit confused. Enter a new 4* ship from the latest series - yay.
Give it a freighter trait - ok.
Immediately pop up the freighter trait for voyages without any other ship having that trait and no halfway mature account sending anything else than a 5* ship out - huh?
It’s not that different from when the Maquis trait comes up even though the only ship that has that is the 2* Val Jean. The same database/table used to store all ship traits is the one that gets called when the voyage start screen calls for a new trait to apply. Most traits are shared by multiple ships but Freighter, Maquis, and Andorian are currently unique, and only one of those has a 5* variant.
In an ideal world there would probably be some heavy-duty ship rebalancing. Maybe drop the 2* and 4* levels entirely and reshuffle ships across rarities (the Val Jean and La Sirena should be 5*, most of the other 2* ships should be 1*, the Jem’Hadar Battleship should go up to 3*, the USS Defiant/Voyager/Enterprise-D should all be 5*, and so on), to ensure that all ship traits are used by at least one 5* ship. That’d be a phenomenal amount of work, however, so having to settle for only 2500 AM sometimes isn’t the worst thing that could happen.
Best case scenario is someone didn't think much about his. But this is another annoying part of the whole ship system now, with voyages dropping only a selected few 5* schematics, dabo extended long ago but low amounts and low chances, and low enough chances in packs that even the dumbest whales do not buy packs for schematics (don't know if anyone falls for skirmish ship packs where you have a chance to get the huge amount of 100 schematics for 350%). Leaves arena where top ranking in a month gives you enough to get a ship to 8/10 if you have the ship and crew to get there.
I would love to be able to confidently claim that nobody is going to touch those ship packs. But I can’t, because some people either don’t know what constitutes a good or bad deal or they just can’t resist. That second one happened to me with the worst $10 I ever spent on this game, back when DB had that Worst Chance of Schematics LTO and I wanted the ISS Defiant so badly I could taste it.
There's a couple of people rocking an 8/10 Artifact in arena so clearly some people buy schmetics.
Maybe offering a 4* ship is part of their recent data collection?
As ship traits only matter for voyages, giving a unique trait to a 4* ship is a waste unless the trait bonus is increased to be better than a traitless 5*.
It’s not that different from when the Maquis trait comes up even though the only ship that has that is the 2* Val Jean. The same database/table used to store all ship traits is the one that gets called when the voyage start screen calls for a new trait to apply. Most traits are shared by multiple ships but Freighter, Maquis, and Andorian are currently unique, and only one of those has a 5* variant.
That's weird...I own a Maquis ship that I regularly use, but I don't have the Val Jean?
"We are visitors on this planet. We are here for ninety or one-hundred years at the very most. During that period, we must try to do something good, something useful, with our lives. If you contribute to other people's happiness, you will find the true goal, the true meaning of life." ~ H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama
"The eyes...are the groin...of the face." ~ Dwight K. Schrute III
There's a couple of people rocking an 8/10 Artifact in arena so clearly some people buy schmetics.
Maybe offering a 4* ship is part of their recent data collection?
This new exclusive 4* freighter voyage trait took an existing problem and magnified it, like adding firewood to a house fire instead of water.
Either give us 5* Hirogen, Maquis, and Freighter ships AND a path to acquiring their schematics (ie voyage drops, dabo wheel, etc) or remove those traits from the voyage traits list. Period.
It’s not that different from when the Maquis trait comes up even though the only ship that has that is the 2* Val Jean. The same database/table used to store all ship traits is the one that gets called when the voyage start screen calls for a new trait to apply. Most traits are shared by multiple ships but Freighter, Maquis, and Andorian are currently unique, and only one of those has a 5* variant.
That's weird...I own a Maquis ship that I regularly use, but I don't have the Val Jean?
My mistake...there is the even worse 1* Maquis Raider. I had also forgotten about the Hirogen trait, shared only by 2* and 4* ships and no 5*.
This new exclusive 4* freighter voyage trait took an existing problem and magnified it, like adding firewood to a house fire instead of water.
Either give us 5* Hirogen, Maquis, and Freighter ships AND a path to acquiring their schematics (ie voyage drops, dabo wheel, etc) or remove those traits from the voyage traits list. Period.
+ 1 Million.
Playing Since: 2018-02-26 Level: 99 Fleet: [10F] Ten Forward Loungers; 17hr, 20min Voyage /wo Refuel; 1619 Immortalized Crew; Highest Event Rank: 8 (God of Thunder)
1 Agreed with all above statements. I got it as a voyage trait also. Why???
(Off topic warning)🤪
Then i quickly realized “freighter” oh, maybe has more seats for our bridge crew collections. An idea i had suggested long ago when the thread for bridge crew themes took off and is still going. Very enjoyable aspect of the game. Would be nice to have a ship with more seats just for this purpose. It doesn't have to be a 5* ship. Its just for a fun aspect we do to entertain ourselves......anyways, no such luck.
Can we get a transport or generational Vessel with a “boomer”, or “freighter“ “Transport” anything? with more seats?
As ship traits only matter for voyages, giving a unique trait to a 4* ship is a waste unless the trait bonus is increased to be better than a traitless 5*.
Absolutely! But it’s beyond a waste. It’s an annoying encumbrance
On one hand, the traits with no 5* seem stupid, but you do have to reckon that they haven't added all the ships and need to have the options there.
On the other hand, why are we just getting a freighter and why don't the two Ferengi ships have that trait? Even the Krayton was described by Lwaxana as a "cargo ship" in the turbolift scene in DS9. Heavily armed or not, Ferengi ships haul a lot of cargo. How else do they make profit?
W.W. CarlislePlayed since January 20, 2019Captain Level- 99 (May 9, 2022)VIP 14Crew Quarters: 485/485Most recent/Lowest- Anbo-jyutsu Kyle Riker (1/5* Lvl 30) 5/29/23Immortalized x-866 5* x184, 4* x 490, 3* x91, 2* x62, and 1* x27Most recent Immortal - Tearful Janeway 4* 5/25/23Current non-event project- Improving my Science base skill. Retrieval Project- Mestral 1/5*
La Sirena. Someone saw it on their Voyage the day before Event Timer started.
I would too
Give it a freighter trait - ok.
Immediately pop up the freighter trait for voyages without any other ship having that trait and no halfway mature account sending anything else than a 5* ship out - huh?
Best case scenario is someone didn't think much about his. But this is another annoying part of the whole ship system now, with voyages dropping only a selected few 5* schematics, dabo extended long ago but low amounts and low chances, and low enough chances in packs that even the dumbest whales do not buy packs for schematics (don't know if anyone falls for skirmish ship packs where you have a chance to get the huge amount of 100 schematics for 350%). Leaves arena where top ranking in a month gives you enough to get a ship to 8/10 if you have the ship and crew to get there.
It’s not that different from when the Maquis trait comes up even though the only ship that has that is the 2* Val Jean. The same database/table used to store all ship traits is the one that gets called when the voyage start screen calls for a new trait to apply. Most traits are shared by multiple ships but Freighter, Maquis, and Andorian are currently unique, and only one of those has a 5* variant.
In an ideal world there would probably be some heavy-duty ship rebalancing. Maybe drop the 2* and 4* levels entirely and reshuffle ships across rarities (the Val Jean and La Sirena should be 5*, most of the other 2* ships should be 1*, the Jem’Hadar Battleship should go up to 3*, the USS Defiant/Voyager/Enterprise-D should all be 5*, and so on), to ensure that all ship traits are used by at least one 5* ship. That’d be a phenomenal amount of work, however, so having to settle for only 2500 AM sometimes isn’t the worst thing that could happen.
I would love to be able to confidently claim that nobody is going to touch those ship packs. But I can’t, because some people either don’t know what constitutes a good or bad deal or they just can’t resist. That second one happened to me with the worst $10 I ever spent on this game, back when DB had that Worst Chance of Schematics LTO and I wanted the ISS Defiant so badly I could taste it.
Maybe offering a 4* ship is part of their recent data collection?
Check out our website to find out more:
That's weird...I own a Maquis ship that I regularly use, but I don't have the Val Jean?
"The eyes...are the groin...of the face." ~ Dwight K. Schrute III
I saw a level 10 Artifact this morning.
Either give us 5* Hirogen, Maquis, and Freighter ships AND a path to acquiring their schematics (ie voyage drops, dabo wheel, etc) or remove those traits from the voyage traits list. Period.
My mistake...there is the even worse 1* Maquis Raider. I had also forgotten about the Hirogen trait, shared only by 2* and 4* ships and no 5*.
+ 1 Million.
I never thought of that. I'll keep that in mind from now on. Thanks!
EDIT: Yes, that worked. It came up "Scout", so I quickly started and recalled, next it was "Romulan".
(Off topic warning)🤪
Then i quickly realized “freighter” oh, maybe has more seats for our bridge crew collections. An idea i had suggested long ago when the thread for bridge crew themes took off and is still going. Very enjoyable aspect of the game. Would be nice to have a ship with more seats just for this purpose. It doesn't have to be a 5* ship. Its just for a fun aspect we do to entertain ourselves......anyways, no such luck.
Can we get a transport or generational Vessel with a “boomer”, or “freighter“ “Transport” anything? with more seats?
Absolutely! But it’s beyond a waste. It’s an annoying encumbrance
Check out our website to find out more:
On the other hand, why are we just getting a freighter and why don't the two Ferengi ships have that trait? Even the Krayton was described by Lwaxana as a "cargo ship" in the turbolift scene in DS9. Heavily armed or not, Ferengi ships haul a lot of cargo. How else do they make profit?