Looks like a change in Facebooks SDK is causing all the crashes on iOS bringing down many other apps. Forum doesn’t yet let me link the open issue on github.
Looks like a change in Facebooks SDK is causing all the crashes on iOS bringing down many other apps. Forum doesn’t yet let me link the open issue on github.
From most of the comments, looks like a iOS only thing, but I am on android with and had slightly different problems.
I had two crashes half way through arena ship battles doing the dailies. It crashed the first time, I reloaded and went straight into a battle, and crashed before the battle finished. I then reloaded and watched the third, and it worked.
Whatever this means. Have no clue.
ipad just opened game too
I had two crashes half way through arena ship battles doing the dailies. It crashed the first time, I reloaded and went straight into a battle, and crashed before the battle finished. I then reloaded and watched the third, and it worked.
Reading the previous posts might give the answer.
I think the only way to make us all whole is more voyage tokens. ^^
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
This was indeed caused by a bad roll out on Facebook side -_-
FYI we have not yet released 7.5.2 on iOS.