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Thoughts on Today’s Offer

Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
15 pulls and 1500 dilithium for $25?


  • Jenos IdanianJenos Idanian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    I was looking for advice and direction here. Since it’s been pointed out by more than one person that I have a feeble mind I’ve determined I shouldn’t make my own decisions anymore but should put my fate in the hands of those who know better than I. Thanks for your input. I will pass on it too

    Nah. Your mind isn’t feeble.

    I’m considering a purchase. Been awhile since I bought any LTOs.
  • Cpt_insano_2k1Cpt_insano_2k1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Like I’ve said before, if we want better offers and better deals, all we have to do is unite and speak to the developers with the loudest megaphones we have, our bank accounts.

    Awww banjo, im sorry if pointing out your illogical arguments is too much for you. Rest assured, I will let you go on speaking non-sense from here on out without offering a voice of reason :)
  • Jenos IdanianJenos Idanian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Like I’ve said before, if we want better offers and better deals, all we have to do is unite and speak to the developers with the loudest megaphones we have, our bank accounts.

    Sorry, I guess I didn't help just now.

    Captains, unite! Don't buy anything!

    Next, should we not log in for a whole week to see if they give us better daily rewards instead of meager chrons, honor, credits and merits?

  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’m going to put the over/under thread-closing time at 7:32 AM ET US tomorrow. Any takers?
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Like I’ve said before, if we want better offers and better deals, all we have to do is unite and speak to the developers with the loudest megaphones we have, our bank accounts.

    Awww banjo, im sorry if pointing out your illogical arguments is too much for you. Rest assured, I will let you go on speaking non-sense from here on out without offering a voice of reason :)

    You should form a players union or something. I wonder if there is a secret cabal of big spenders who keep buying these bad deals. Because as long as there are only a couple good deals, then the big spenders can stay ahead of the game's proletariat. They might even go so far ast to buy the deal on multiple accounts. Or perhaps they send direct messages to the devs to keep the good deals sparse. The only way to really get the company's attention is a players' union.

    Alternatively... There's some accountants and a marketing people that have studied mobile game business models and developed a system of deals that will bring maximum prophet to keep players happy enough not to stop spending en mass.

    But good luck with your thing. That sounds totally fun.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’m going to put the over/under thread-closing time at 7:32 AM ET US tomorrow. Any takers?

    I want the over. I'm thinking 7:46am.
    Farewell 🖖
  • calsnowskiercalsnowskier ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am not looking to spend my my money on an OK offer.

    The product I am receiving is literally NOTHING., so I better get a LOT of NOTHING if I am going to part with my cash.

    In the last month or so, I have bought...

    1x monthly card
    1x campaign upgrade
    1x $10 event pack
    1x $25 event pack

    And I am a vip14 who has been playing for only about 15 months.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    New thought: bad deals are like diminishing returns for whales. Sure you can spend a boat load of money. But at least it doesn't buy them 3k dilithium and chronitons, plus 12k honor every time they dropped $25. It would put the rest of us at a bigger disadvantage.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Cpt_insano_2k1Cpt_insano_2k1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Like I’ve said before, if we want better offers and better deals, all we have to do is unite and speak to the developers with the loudest megaphones we have, our bank accounts.

    Awww banjo, im sorry if pointing out your illogical arguments is too much for you. Rest assured, I will let you go on speaking non-sense from here on out without offering a voice of reason :)

    You should form a players union or something. I wonder if there is a secret cabal of big spenders who keep buying these bad deals. Because as long as there are only a couple good deals, then the big spenders can stay ahead of the game's proletariat. They might even go so far ast to buy the deal on multiple accounts. Or perhaps they send direct messages to the devs to keep the good deals sparse. The only way to really get the company's attention is a players' union.

    Alternatively... There's some accountants and a marketing people that have studied mobile game business models and developed a system of deals that will bring maximum prophet to keep players happy enough not to stop spending en mass.

    But good luck with your thing. That sounds totally fun.

    100% correct. There are algorithms and accountants that study every purchase made in comparison with offers available.

    In other words, our purchases, or decisions not to purchase, affect the price point and relative values of future offers.

    Thank you for proving my point.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Like I’ve said before, if we want better offers and better deals, all we have to do is unite and speak to the developers with the loudest megaphones we have, our bank accounts.

    Awww banjo, im sorry if pointing out your illogical arguments is too much for you. Rest assured, I will let you go on speaking non-sense from here on out without offering a voice of reason :)

    You should form a players union or something. I wonder if there is a secret cabal of big spenders who keep buying these bad deals. Because as long as there are only a couple good deals, then the big spenders can stay ahead of the game's proletariat. They might even go so far ast to buy the deal on multiple accounts. Or perhaps they send direct messages to the devs to keep the good deals sparse. The only way to really get the company's attention is a players' union.

    Alternatively... There's some accountants and a marketing people that have studied mobile game business models and developed a system of deals that will bring maximum prophet to keep players happy enough not to stop spending en mass.

    But good luck with your thing. That sounds totally fun.

    100% correct. There are algorithms and accountants that study every purchase made in comparison with offers available.

    In other words, our purchases, or decisions not to purchase, affect the price point and relative values of future offers.

    Thank you for proving my point.

    I'm starting to think that you're advocating very elitist changes and trying to penalize f2p by advocating to give more away to the spenders, further widening the gap between spenders and f2p. I'll try to keep up my spending habits on behalf of f2p. We have a few in my fleet, so I'll try to maintain the status quo on their behalf.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Cpt_insano_2k1Cpt_insano_2k1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Like I’ve said before, if we want better offers and better deals, all we have to do is unite and speak to the developers with the loudest megaphones we have, our bank accounts.

    Awww banjo, im sorry if pointing out your illogical arguments is too much for you. Rest assured, I will let you go on speaking non-sense from here on out without offering a voice of reason :)

    You should form a players union or something. I wonder if there is a secret cabal of big spenders who keep buying these bad deals. Because as long as there are only a couple good deals, then the big spenders can stay ahead of the game's proletariat. They might even go so far ast to buy the deal on multiple accounts. Or perhaps they send direct messages to the devs to keep the good deals sparse. The only way to really get the company's attention is a players' union.

    Alternatively... There's some accountants and a marketing people that have studied mobile game business models and developed a system of deals that will bring maximum prophet to keep players happy enough not to stop spending en mass.

    But good luck with your thing. That sounds totally fun.

    100% correct. There are algorithms and accountants that study every purchase made in comparison with offers available.

    In other words, our purchases, or decisions not to purchase, affect the price point and relative values of future offers.

    Thank you for proving my point.

    I'm starting to think that you're advocating very elitist changes and trying to penalize f2p by advocating to give more away to the spenders, further widening the gap between spenders and f2p. I'll try to keep up my spending habits on behalf of f2p. We have a few in my fleet, so I'll try to maintain the status quo on their behalf.

    I haven’t been f2p in quite some time. However, the trends I have seen lately have been ones that seem to be money grabs for things that were not monetized before. For example, the offers that provided a “chance” at a new 3* in a single slot, with the other two slots being a small amount of honor and replicator rations for 550 dilithium. Shocking and a blatantly over priced offer for goods that can typically be farmed from voyages.

    Additionally, the p2p offers have been trending more expensive with less “value”, all since the game was sold to tp. Maybe they are testing the market, maybe they are trying something new.

    Either way, the latest offers have made me concerned that f2p is being phased out, and p2p is getting more expensive. I don’t like either of those.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Like I’ve said before, if we want better offers and better deals, all we have to do is unite and speak to the developers with the loudest megaphones we have, our bank accounts.

    Awww banjo, im sorry if pointing out your illogical arguments is too much for you. Rest assured, I will let you go on speaking non-sense from here on out without offering a voice of reason :)

    You should form a players union or something. I wonder if there is a secret cabal of big spenders who keep buying these bad deals. Because as long as there are only a couple good deals, then the big spenders can stay ahead of the game's proletariat. They might even go so far ast to buy the deal on multiple accounts. Or perhaps they send direct messages to the devs to keep the good deals sparse. The only way to really get the company's attention is a players' union.

    Alternatively... There's some accountants and a marketing people that have studied mobile game business models and developed a system of deals that will bring maximum prophet to keep players happy enough not to stop spending en mass.

    But good luck with your thing. That sounds totally fun.

    100% correct. There are algorithms and accountants that study every purchase made in comparison with offers available.

    In other words, our purchases, or decisions not to purchase, affect the price point and relative values of future offers.

    Thank you for proving my point.

    I'm starting to think that you're advocating very elitist changes and trying to penalize f2p by advocating to give more away to the spenders, further widening the gap between spenders and f2p. I'll try to keep up my spending habits on behalf of f2p. We have a few in my fleet, so I'll try to maintain the status quo on their behalf.

    I haven’t been f2p in quite some time. However, the trends I have seen lately have been ones that seem to be money grabs for things that were not monetized before. For example, the offers that provided a “chance” at a new 3* in a single slot, with the other two slots being a small amount of honor and replicator rations for 550 dilithium. Shocking and a blatantly over priced offer for goods that can typically be farmed from voyages.

    Additionally, the p2p offers have been trending more expensive with less “value”, all since the game was sold to tp. Maybe they are testing the market, maybe they are trying something new.

    Either way, the latest offers have made me concerned that f2p is being phased out, and p2p is getting more expensive. I don’t like either of those.

    I'm also not a fan of those 550 packs. As to the voyage thing... SR's drop in voyages and those are also sold in packs. You pay for instant gratification. It's the basic business model for mobile games. Surely you're familiar with that. The price point doesn't work for me. But as was pointed out, we forum folks are a small minority of players. Maybe those packs sell, maybe they don't. As to testing the market, I can only assume that to be the case given the changes they have made each time.

    As to f2p getting phased out, I do not follow. You'll have to show your math on that one. There's a VIP0 fleet that does fine to my knowledge. I think the winner of the last skirmish doesn't spend. As to the spending crowd, I'll have to wait a bit longer for that trend to develop because I don't see it. I do the 15/3k/3k deals frequently. It's been a while, but I'm not ready to say that those deals aren't coming back. The ironic thing is that you're looking for that instant gratification from the deal that you want and not willing to wait for your proverbial voyage to reach the 2-hour dilemma. Do you see how that loops back to the beginning?

    My number one recommendation on the forum is patience. Patience in spending honor and citations. Patience in waiting for that deal you want. Patience in waiting for that crew you want to drop. Patience. Good things come to those who wait. (Or those who have the money for instant gratification.)
    Farewell 🖖
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