Question about Voyages
in Make It So!
Any chance that Shuttle Tokens will be added to the rotation of rewards for Voyages?
Firstly its a monetize thing for the company, being only available through purchases/special offers in campaigns you do however get a few on the standard track campaign aswell but it is controlled and limited. Voyages can be a frequent daily acquirement of said item and if its an RNG thing far less of a controlled thing. Would it be only after a certain amount of hours into a voyage? How many should drop? Once it drops should it be the only time it drops in that particular voyage?
Secondly, there have also been many suggestions to have other items to be included in the pool of of drops for voyages and yes these are seen as positive, however there is also a big con to consider as it also dilutes what you get further whether its trainers/chronitons/honor/crew drops/ rep rations etc.
I think a more realistic possibility may be being able to purchase a pack of them for x amount of honor as alternative to people having to stump up money or dilithium price it right and it could be the F2P way of earning more of such things.
Not a bad compromise. Here is a related suggestion: replace those useless schematics.
Those schematics... Anything they can do to replace those would be awesome!
I turn all those useless schematics into gold replicator rations, now that we are able to do so. I do the same for the overabundance of star base nanopolymer components, too.
The only thing at this time I would beg for from voyages is the increased chance to get a Part 3 dilemma.
I still want first-year and maybe second-year legendaries added to voyages in some fashion. Give us a reason to extend voyages. Currently, I want the voyage-only crew and that is my only incentive. @Bylo Band 's experiment in another thread showed that the honor and chronitons gained after 6 hours aren't a big enough difference to spend dilithium.