Maquis and Hirogen Ship are infuriating.

Come on. Please either add a 5* maquis and Hirogen ship or remove them. Pretty please with a cherry on top!!!!

Got maquis on the alt as well.

Got maquis on the alt as well.

I tried everything to get it to switch, until I realized I had the La Sirena (aka Freighter) on the screen as my ship. Once i changed that, the Voyage finally changed. I know it is not quite the same for Maquis & Hirogen, but perhaps just changing ship, then start/stopping a Voyage for a few seconds might fix that problem. I am definitely going to try that next time I see one of those ships come up.
Nothing you said here is altered by the inclusion of 5* Maquis and 5* Hirogen ships.
Considering how even new players can get Borg cube in Dabo I am not sure how much help a Val Jean would be in voyages.
+1 and cosigned.
I do not find it infuriating to wait 3m16s for a test flight (including recall) to the first reward, just to see if the server will shuffle the ship & crew traits on the next voyage. I do find it annoying if that doesn’t work after three attempts, though, but then I resign myself to an 8hr voyage & look forward to the next setup opportunity. 🖖
My experience does not mean common, but I got a 5* ship from Dabo in my first two weeks, well before I had the Val Jean. It took me months to have a 4* ship. The worst 5* is better than the best of any other group.
also signing the petition.
It’s not just you. It takes newer players MUCH longer to get their first maxed 5* ship than it did for earlier players. Arena used to feature the same 5* ship for several months in a row. This is one of the issues I raised in the first TP survey.
I have 12 5* traits left to max, so I'm not terribly affected by Maquis, Hirigen, or Freighter. But i can see why more advanced rosters would find them aggravating.
But seriously, just send a 30 sec voyage and reset the traits. It's annoying, but nowhere near the top 20 biggest game play issues.
The quick voyage doesn’t work unless it’s trait change time. You’re stuck with it for 24 hours
I'll have to pay closer attention then. I could've sworn I've seen it reset trait in addition to primary and secondary skills.
150 anti-matter bonus = ~6 minutes voyage time?
Sometimes at the trait change time it doesn’t change. That’s when it may take a few short ones to change it but eventually it will work then. I believe that 150 AM is underestimated. Say you have 50 AM left. If you hit a non- golf/silver hazard you are done. If the next 5 are gold or silver and you pass them you added another 8 or so minutes to that time. 14 extra minutes could be the difference between hitting the next dilemna and missing it. I know I’ve had plenty crap out within that time frame
more often than not, my traits don't change for DAYS on end. I'm in my 5th day of the same repeated ship, traits & skills combo. That is truly infuriating!
Voyage trait + skills didn't reset after return this morning:
So I sent a quick voyage:
To make sure it wasn't because the previous voyage might have been running through reset, I tried again:
So that's three ship trait + primary & secondary skill changes in under an hour.
A couple of caveats to this from previous experience:
Many players seem to bristle at my contention that this game is buggy as f-duck, but if voyage trait + skill reset behavior doesn't serve as a prime example of this, I'm at a loss.
Level 99; VIP 14
Crew immortalized = 869
Common Crew: 27/27, Uncommon Crew: 54/54, Rare Crew: 89/89, Super Rare Crew: 370/375, Legendary Crew: 363/454
Pending collections = Klingon