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1 day 12 hour voyage still can’t hit Higher Duty Pt 3...

This is insane. I had a ton of voyage tokens saved up and I hit the first two Higher Duty parts before 8 hours so I figured I’d go for it. Over 36 hours later I still haven’t hit part 3. The dilemmas don’t repeat in a single voyage do they? I know there’s a lot of dilemmas but this is just crazy that it still hasn’t hit part 3.


  • JoeSage 2JoeSage 2 ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Yeap Dilemmas don't repeat...still you may not get AHD3 until the last Dilemma @ around 72h ... sorry. Other posters have mentioned the funness that is going for ANY of the 3-part dilemma crew no matter when you get parts 1&2.
  • Joe Sage2 wrote: »
    Yeap Dilemmas don't repeat...still you may not get AHD3 until the last Dilemma @ around 72h ... sorry. Other posters have mentioned the funness that is going for ANY of the 3-part dilemma crew no matter when you get parts 1&2.

    I’ve gotten Higher Duty pt 3 many times before on extended voyages. Usually between 16-20 hours
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm looking for a source, but part 3's are more rare than top row of dabo. Basically, it works like dabo, but you have to complete the first two parts, then you have to get that lucky spin - because it is essentially odds similar to dabo wheel. That's why I recently did a long run.

    I strongly recommend this thread for some advice on getting those part 3's while I try again to find that source on dilemmas working like dabo.
    Farewell 🖖
  • I got that dilemma, with just 3 more remaining dilemmas to go!
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Found it. Here's the quote and I'll link the whole thread below it.
    Even if you are doing 6-8 hour voyages (spending no dilithium), this will help if you get a dilemma that has better rewards with one option over another. Also, if you get part 1 of a dilemma that you want as your first dilemma, if you have the option in the second dilemma of making a choice that eliminates 1 or more other dilemmas, it increases the odd of the 3rd (or 4th) dilemma being the one you want. If it increases the odds by 2.78% by eliminating one dilemma (1/36th)

    Yes, it's much more useful if you spend dilithium but still useful, over time, for getting better choices.

    Think of it as something akin to the Dabo Wheel only there are 3 rows of 12 items (dilemmas). If you got 3 or 4 free spins and some of the spins had a chance of blocking other bottom tier items from being selected, isn't that the better option even though it's only a slightly better chance at the better rewards?


    So, as mentioned in other threads, I recommend 2,950 AM and (safe estimate) 28-30 revival tokens. I made it on 23, but I got lucky and first revival got me past 13 hours, plus I "only" needed 64 hours instead of 66.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Found it. Here's the quote and I'll link the whole thread below it.
    Even if you are doing 6-8 hour voyages (spending no dilithium), this will help if you get a dilemma that has better rewards with one option over another. Also, if you get part 1 of a dilemma that you want as your first dilemma, if you have the option in the second dilemma of making a choice that eliminates 1 or more other dilemmas, it increases the odd of the 3rd (or 4th) dilemma being the one you want. If it increases the odds by 2.78% by eliminating one dilemma (1/36th)

    Yes, it's much more useful if you spend dilithium but still useful, over time, for getting better choices.

    Think of it as something akin to the Dabo Wheel only there are 3 rows of 12 items (dilemmas). If you got 3 or 4 free spins and some of the spins had a chance of blocking other bottom tier items from being selected, isn't that the better option even though it's only a slightly better chance at the better rewards?


    So, as mentioned in other threads, I recommend 2,950 AM and (safe estimate) 28-30 revival tokens. I made it on 23, but I got lucky and first revival got me past 13 hours, plus I "only" needed 64 hours instead of 66.

    That is great advice.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Found it. Here's the quote and I'll link the whole thread below it.
    Even if you are doing 6-8 hour voyages (spending no dilithium), this will help if you get a dilemma that has better rewards with one option over another. Also, if you get part 1 of a dilemma that you want as your first dilemma, if you have the option in the second dilemma of making a choice that eliminates 1 or more other dilemmas, it increases the odd of the 3rd (or 4th) dilemma being the one you want. If it increases the odds by 2.78% by eliminating one dilemma (1/36th)

    Yes, it's much more useful if you spend dilithium but still useful, over time, for getting better choices.

    Think of it as something akin to the Dabo Wheel only there are 3 rows of 12 items (dilemmas). If you got 3 or 4 free spins and some of the spins had a chance of blocking other bottom tier items from being selected, isn't that the better option even though it's only a slightly better chance at the better rewards?


    So, as mentioned in other threads, I recommend 2,950 AM and (safe estimate) 28-30 revival tokens. I made it on 23, but I got lucky and first revival got me past 13 hours, plus I "only" needed 64 hours instead of 66.

    That is great advice.

    I hope it helps. :) As I'm sure you're aware, there's a lot of great info here, on the forum, so the credit certainly isn't all mine. Lots of info from those who blazed the trails.
    Farewell 🖖
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Another thing you can do when you have many tokens built up is just run long voyages every day. I start a voyage when I wake up and run it all day using tokens when I run out of am and then I use my last token about two hours before I want to go to bed and then recall it when it is low on am and the recall goes while I sleep. Then I wake up and start a new one. I get a lot of super rares, honor, and chrons and almost no lost time because the recall is just when I am sleeping.
    Let’s fly!
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    I got Parts 1 & 2 at 2 & 4 hours. Over ten hours now. No sign of Part 3. I'm gonna go for the 20 hour Cheevo, and cross my fingers.........
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Another thing you can do when you have many tokens built up is just run long voyages every day. I start a voyage when I wake up and run it all day using tokens when I run out of am and then I use my last token about two hours before I want to go to bed and then recall it when it is low on am and the recall goes while I sleep. Then I wake up and start a new one. I get a lot of super rares, honor, and chrons and almost no lost time because the recall is just when I am sleeping.

    I like this idea. I may start doing this once I have all the voyage-only crew. I only have Worf left to get, but I may as well grab a McCoy while I'm at it to save a citation. Unfortunately, it will be a few months before I'm ready to go again.
    Farewell 🖖
  • [QH] Oxmyx[QH] Oxmyx ✭✭✭✭
    I’ve done voyages every day since they began. I’ve only done a 20 plus voyage once to get the achievement. Since then I only run an eight or ten hour voyages then recall. Just within the last month after hundreds of voyages I’ve snagged Colonel Worf, I only need to get Picard and I’ll have them all. Who knows when that will be? On the dabo note I do the credit and one to three dil spins if the sale is on. I have hit the top row purples about four times but it’s been eons since the last one. I’ve never hit the jackpot and my running the table to get Sarah Silverman I don’t count although she did finally drop when I had just two spins left, small victories.
    Fleet= Quarks Holosuite
  • I got champion of the people after 2,4 & 6 hours an age ago but to get the other part 3 crew I've had to do mega long voyages. I managed to get at least 1 of all voyage specific crew now so I'm happy. Will more than likely use campaign cites to FF them
  • Seven ConstanzaSeven Constanza ✭✭✭✭
    I got part 3 at 10 hours yesterday and picked McCoy. This was my 2nd time getting it, the other time I picked Guinan. I have a lot of tokens to do a long voyage but I usually extend only out to around 12 but it depends on how many purples I get up to then. I’ll wait to see if I get part 3 again some time in the (probably) distant future then maybe I’ll just cite them.
  • Well it’s still going. Currently at 1 day 22 hours. Still no Higher Duty Part 3, but I did get all 3 Champion of the People 😂😂😂
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just got "Sticks & Fracking Stones" @18 hours......
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • I just finished a 72 hour voyage last week. PART 1 of A Higher Duty didn't drop until hour 66. Yes, 3 of the last 4 delimmas were A Higher Duty 1, 2, & 3. It happens.
  • I just finished a 72 hour voyage last week. PART 1 of A Higher Duty didn't drop until hour 66. Yes, 3 of the last 4 delimmas were A Higher Duty 1, 2, & 3. It happens.

  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have only had it 3 times in the 1000's of Voyages I have run. I gave up on that one last year and cited Guinan, and McCoy to get them in the freezer.

    I have had Champion of the People Part 1 & 2 by the 8 hour mark 4 times in the past week, forcing me to extend "just in case" part 3 hits by 12 or 14 hours. We have entered the "Wicked" Realm...
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have only had it 3 times in the 1000's of Voyages I have run. I gave up on that one last year and cited Guinan, and McCoy to get them in the freezer.

    I almost feel like I should do that, too. I've been sitting on 1/4 Col Worf, 1/4 Leonard McCoy, and 1/4 Ensign Picard for ages, but I keep getting the same dilemmas, and never the ones I want.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • I've already cited Guinan( from achievement) and Picard. McCoy is next and once I have enough refresh tokens to get Worf, I'll make the run, cite & freeze him too.
  • For the multiple copies of voyage-specific crew, I decided to just do one big run for each of them. There are often some kind of 4* citation sales that are run, and I just found paying that money was a better use of my time then going through tokens and dilithium revives, in spite of regularly hitting 10 hour voyages. I can save those tokens at least in the rare event I get a voyage that snuffs out at 9:58, then I can get to 12 typically, and just recall regardless of AM level. I also save dilithium this way for packs, or to push extra hard in events depending on the circumstances.

    Level 99; VIP 14
    Crew immortalized = 869
    Common Crew: 27/27, Uncommon Crew: 54/54, Rare Crew: 89/89, Super Rare Crew: 370/375, Legendary Crew: 363/454
    Pending collections = Klingon
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Twenty-eight hours netted:

    Mirror Archer {FF}
    Doc Crusher {FF}
    Pel {FF}
    Miss Q {3 🌟}
    Temporal Agent Seven {FFF}
    953 Honour
    4 x 3 🌟 for Honour
    8 x 2 🌟 for Honour
    5 x Legendary Rep Rats
    75 x Purple Rep Rats
    27 x Blue Rep Rats
    2013 Chronitons

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    For the multiple copies of voyage-specific crew, I decided to just do one big run for each of them. There are often some kind of 4* citation sales that are run, and I just found paying that money was a better use of my time then going through tokens and dilithium revives, in spite of regularly hitting 10 hour voyages. I can save those tokens at least in the rare event I get a voyage that snuffs out at 9:58, then I can get to 12 typically, and just recall regardless of AM level. I also save dilithium this way for packs, or to push extra hard in events depending on the circumstances.

    This is sound advice, for those of us who spend. Thank you for explaining it more clearly than me, @MetalNauticAdmiral . 🖖
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • Here are the results of my voyage for those interested. I was not able to make it 72 hours unfortunately. I just didn’t have the revival tokens or dilithium and I did not hit A Higher Duty Pt 3. I did manage to hit all Champion of the People though so not a total loss. I had to stop at 2 days 8 hours. I had 8 dilemmas left but just couldn’t do it.


  • For the multiple copies of voyage-specific crew, I decided to just do one big run for each of them. There are often some kind of 4* citation sales that are run, and I just found paying that money was a better use of my time then going through tokens and dilithium revives, in spite of regularly hitting 10 hour voyages. I can save those tokens at least in the rare event I get a voyage that snuffs out at 9:58, then I can get to 12 typically, and just recall regardless of AM level. I also save dilithium this way for packs, or to push extra hard in events depending on the circumstances.

    I've been hoarding the campaign cites for this project. I insta-cited Picard to FE and McCoy to 3/4. As long as I don't have to use too many tokens saving 10hr voyages, I should have enough to get Worf 5 months from now and insta-cite him as well.
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