Alternative Voyage Crew
I'm looking for an alternative from your standard top voyagers, and looking to detract from that by finding / putting together a list of crew that balances out the voyage.
That being said, which crew in the game have the most balanced stats for voyages? Currently making a behold wish list, doesn't necessarily have to be a top voyager. I found these two, but it's hard to file through the 500+ 5*'s and I'm struggling to find crew.
1) Bashir, Julian Bashir - DIP 1156.5 / SEC 886 / MED 1121
2) Moriarty, The Professor - DIP 1309 / ENG 791 / SCI 1142.5
3) Dark Ages McCoy - DIP 922 / SEC 1004 / MED 1324
**Base / Proficiency average taken from Timelines Wikipedia
That being said, which crew in the game have the most balanced stats for voyages? Currently making a behold wish list, doesn't necessarily have to be a top voyager. I found these two, but it's hard to file through the 500+ 5*'s and I'm struggling to find crew.
1) Bashir, Julian Bashir - DIP 1156.5 / SEC 886 / MED 1121
2) Moriarty, The Professor - DIP 1309 / ENG 791 / SCI 1142.5
3) Dark Ages McCoy - DIP 922 / SEC 1004 / MED 1324
**Base / Proficiency average taken from Timelines Wikipedia
Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire
Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire
Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
I think it's possible to get away with gold crew for the primary traits, like 2 skillers or something. Then purple or 1/5's 3 skillers that match all other areas. My idea behind that is the two skillers will have better voyage scores for those skill sets than 3 skill voyagers (looks at Surgeon Pulaski and Species 8472), which would leave a ton of space to catch up in the other areas for a well rounded voyage imo.
Seven in Silver made it onto an ENG/SCI voyage for me yesterday because she had the right trait. That was a pleasant surprise, and the Voyage easily cleared 10 hours.
Ideally you need 5* FF crew, all three skillers.
You need about 11k-12k for the two primary skills, and an average of about 5-6k for all secondary skills. (Total 42-46k)
Going on an average of 1750 for the first skill, 1350, for the secondary, and 700 for the tertiary gives 3800 skill points per crew, or 45600 for all 12.
Having six crew with their first skill as primary would give 10,500 points. One crew with the second as primary would come to 11,850 points.
In theory once each of every first and second skill combination could cover this provided the tertiary skills gave sufficient combinations to load the crew, but this would be difficult. i.e. 30 crew.
More realistically 36 crew would be needed. One of each primary/secondary skill combo, plus an extra primary and random skill, however this could put too many points in the primary/secondary skill, so you may need an extra six (with different secondarys) to play around with (42)
Even more realistically, some skill combos are more common than others. So you may need more crew to cover combinations. My current voyage is dip/med and I have two dip/med and two med/dip, and neither of my engineers have either of those two skills.
tl;dr 36 at a push, at least 42.
I always say if the two skiller can bring up weaker areas, then it never hurts to put aside 1-2 voyage slots for them. Seven in Silver is a good choice. I usually rely on 8472, and deciding whether to level up a Resistance Neelix. DIP 1554/ SEC 1338 before bonuses. (Dahar Master Koloth would replace him for that stat when/if I got him)
I found an interesting discovery today. Shinzon, considered to be one of the most disposable crew in the game... Has fairly even voyage stats across the board, even if they are quite low. He's like a mini Moriarty or Dark Ages McCoy.
Shinzon - SEC 1247 / CMD 951.5 / DIP 809