Voyage crew and corresponding skill assignment
![[STJ] Wendell](
So I have been curious if it makes a difference whether for instance you have powerful engineers in the correct locations or if you threw them in the science slot just to match traits and then put your science crew in your engineering slots to match traits.![u0pl790pc050.png](
- I work on the non-featured (i.e., non-silver/gold) skill slots first (i.e., in my example, I work on CMD, SEC, DIP and MED first), and try to fill these with crew who possess both of the featured skills; for example, in the SEC slots I search my crew for anyone who might have the SEC/ENG/SCI combo, regardless of what value they have in SEC (i.e., it could be relatively low). If I can find any crew with the desired combo, then I check to see if any also have a matching trait for an Anti-Matter (AM) bonus. When I find someone that can give me the 2 featured skills and an AM bonus, these then get slotted right away. If I do not find someone who meets all these conditions, I move on to the next non-featured skill and do the same checks, until I have finished this initial pass through all 8 non-featured skill slots.
- After I have filled in as many non-featured skill slots as I can with crew that have the 2 featured skills and also an AM bonus, then I check if any of the 3 skills combo crew I found who had the 2 featured skills but not an AM bonus in the non-featured skilled slots will give me an AM bonus in any of the 4 featured skilled slots (for example, in the 2 ENG or 2 SCI slots). If any of these do not give an AM bonus in the featured skills slots as well, then I go back and put them into any gaps I have remaining in the non-featured skill slots.
- If after the above 2 steps I still have gaps in the non-featured skill slots, then I look to see what options I have for those from my crew who have a relatively high value for 1 of the 2 featured skills (preferably the gold one), and can also give me an AM bonus. Finally for these non-featured skill slots, if I cannot find anyone with a high value for 1 featured skill and an AM bonus, then I fill in these slots with crew who give me the best overall boost to all skills, with at least a decent value for 1 of the 2 featured skills; that is, at this point I will consider what help I can get, or might need, for the 4 non-featured skills when making my selections for these last 'gap slots'.
- Lastly I fill the 4 featured skill slots with whatever are the best choices remaining (i.e., based on skill values and potential AM bonus); there is a good chance that some of my highest value crew for these skills have already been slotted in the non-featured skill slots at this point, and I am okay with this, as my goal is to maximize my value for the featured skills across all 12 slots. By doing the featured skill slots last, you see who cannot fit anywhere else in the Voyage, and needs to use up 1 of these 4 slots that can always be filled with crew that possess (at least 1 of) the featured skill(s).
All this is done because, to the best of my knowledge, going back to the OP's original question, I do not think it matters (at this time) that crew be put into "the correct locations" (using their phrasing).
I prioritize skill over matching the traits, 25 am is 1 min voyage after approx 4 hours of travel (read in other forum thread, not my research, I've found it's more or less correct. Ok, 21-22 am per min).
Non priority skills I.e. Non of the two, I ignore top crew in min priority skills at the cost of boosting the two in use for this voyage.
I have crew good enough that if I prioritize this I can get up to 7-9k with the right skill combo. I hate any combo including med.
Above 8-9k in the two skills I can get to an 8 hour voyage do four dilemas and go home.
Following this my longest voyage to date was 8 hours 40 min.
May I ask you to clarify... That's w/o spending any dil on system failures, correct? I ask because I am trying to figure out the best strategy for prolonging voyages w/o the use of dil. I have found that I must spend at least twice to get into 4* crew territory. I realize it's cheaper than dropping 650 per on 10x packs, just looking to maximize opportunity.
My longest Voyage before first dil refill has been 7h 44m. It was a MED gold/SEC silver. My skill stats were:
8169 MED
7652 SEC
6646 DIP
3040 ENG
2573 CMD
1451 SCI
Closest before this was 7h 29m, and a few 7h 22m Voyages. It's possible if you're up in the 9k/8k range for gold/silver that you can get to the 8h mark, but the main factor is how many hazards are going to hit on your stats. The above Voyage, I had 63% hit on gold/silver skills which is higher than the average 59-60%. So that gave me more +5 AM passes rather than -30AM fails. The more AM you can keep in the first 4-6 hours, the longer the mission will go when lower stats are a guaranteed fail.
Also, I don't match top crew for skill in the skill slots. I match my best crew that can go in that spot matching the pri/sec skills. Actually, I first go through all 12 slots and see if there are any trait matches for the pri/sec skills. Then I go fill in the blanks with more best crew matching pri/sec skills. Then I go back through and swap crew to balance other skills as needed to adjust for the remaining skills that are low (below 2500) if I can. I try to have my AM at 2700+ because that will keep the mission going for a bit longer which could get me to an extra dilemma or drop a 4*.
*edited for typing error
That's without spending dil correct, I need a bit of luck with the skill combo to beat 8 hours, most of the time I'm around 7-7:30.
First thing while having a voyage open go to each skill, Com, Dip, etc and write down on a spreadsheet the top 6-8 crew you have for each skill, document crew name, primary skill, secondary, and tertiary if applicable, you could keep track of values too but I don't. Keep that as your reference and update it when better crew become available.
Second when making ship selection always go with what will give you the highest AM to start with, if the trait helps push you past an otherwise better ship then go with that otherwise better off just going with your best ship. I often default to a maxed out legendary ship since traits don't always match up for those - this is where having every legendary ship maxed is beneficial in the game for once since more ships means more potential trait matches.
Third when selecting crew first go through your list based on primary skill crew, look at the different secondary / tertiary skills. See what potential slots you can use your 5-6 best crew. Do the same for secondary skill crew, perhaps only 3-4 of the best. Primary skill should be 9-10k with secondary skill 7-8k. Lastly try to round out the other skills so none are below 2k, ideally none below 3k. I don't pay much attention to matching traits unless it fits with the crew I want, better skill numbers are more important to longer voyages. I tend not to push primary too high at the cost of other skills cause honestly it doesn't work better in the long run, tried it before with primary over 13k and the lower skills cost too much AM for it to work. The toughest for me to deal with is Med and Eng. Often my two best Med have to take those slots just to make sure that skill isn't too weak.
To me the optimal run times are 8-20hr voyages. Anything longer seems to reduce the cost to benefit ratio to not make it optimal. Obviously if you don't want to spend dil then hitting 8hr dilemma and recalling sometime after is the best you can hope for. Now for which selections to make on dilemmas there is the page on wiki for that.
Best thing to do for better voyages is get better crew, ideally strong dual skill crew (2 skills 1k+) or three skill that still have a dominant primary skill (1 skill 1k+). Three skill have more flexibility but often I find them too weak to max out primary / secondary skill.