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Include link to Faction Center if item you're building is currently available there

Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
My suggestion: When you're building an item for a crew member, right below the "Replicate" button, show a button for the corresponding Faction Center for that item, but only if it is currently available there. So if you were to click on that button, the display to the right would show you what the exact cost was (in merits, credits, or Dilithium), and the "Engage" button would take you directly to that particular center to acquire the item.

This seems like it'd be a win-win for DB and players, since we'd have more options of where to get certain pesky items, and DB would make money from people spending Dil in the Faction Center (or replenishing credits they spent there).

Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"


  • That would be very nice. It would also be nice if you could see how many of an item were in your inventory.
  • That would be very nice. It would also be nice if you could see how many of an item were in your inventory.

    shouldn't be hard to add a number on the items in the faction centers in one of the top corners letting us know how many we have in our inventory. I tend to avoid grabbing something from the faction center if it does not say I need it.
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