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Post-ENT mega re-run or flashback?

Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
We have a few days before Shan announces the reward for the final part of the ENT mega event. Which means we MUST speculate! :D

Which events are due for a re-run or flashback? With the final part of the mega event being a rare galaxy/skirmish hybrid, all the other event types are on the table. Expedition is unlikely, but the rest should be on the table. My money is on a full faction with a hybrid faction as the next most likely.

Here's to hoping I can add a star to one of my many, many 1/5's! 🤞
Farewell 🖖


  • W.W. CarlisleW.W. Carlisle ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was thinking about this too and was looking at the list. For some reason "Integration" stuck with me. It's faction/ skirmish hybrid. It could be the reason we've seen a lot of Borg and T'Pol in the packs and drops. Seen a few Garaks too, now that I think about it.
    W.W. CarlislePlayed since January 20, 2019Captain Level- 99 (May 9, 2022)VIP 14Crew Quarters: 485/485Most recent/Lowest- Anbo-jyutsu Kyle Riker (1/5* Lvl 30) 5/29/23Immortalized x-866 5* x184, 4* x 490, 3* x91, 2* x62, and 1* x27Most recent Immortal - Tearful Janeway 4* 5/25/23Current non-event project- Improving my Science base skill. Retrieval Project- Mestral 1/5*
  • i’ll be happy as long as it’s a rerun, not a flashback. flashbacks are just TP being stingy and not giving out the free 5* in the thresholds, also they are unexciting because there’s no new crew..... just my opinion
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    i’ll be happy as long as it’s a rerun, not a flashback. flashbacks are just TP being stingy and not giving out the free 5* in the thresholds, also they are unexciting because there’s no new crew..... just my opinion

    I'm fine with both. It's kind of nice some weeks when we don't get a new crew. I can take a break from the grind. Sometimes I can even add a star to existing crew.

    You're entitled to your preference, of course. I just think both sides have legitimate reasons for their preference. :)
    Farewell 🖖
  • Hoping for either a re-run or flashback of the faction event "Research Partners". I have a bunch of Captain Janeways sitting around waiting for Mutated Paris to appear!
  • JhamelJhamel ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mewtated Purris would be purrfect, however I could settle with a Dominion re-run and a new Vorta threshold character ... 4* Eris! :)
    "Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
  • EnderWEnderW ✭✭✭✭✭
    Gods and Masters. I’ve been waiting for this rerun for over a year and I refuse to add a fifth star to my Durango Troi because of that wait.
    Playing Since: 2018-02-26 Level: 99 Fleet: [10F] Ten Forward Loungers; 17hr, 20min Voyage /wo Refuel; 1619 Immortalized Crew; Highest Event Rank: 8 (God of Thunder)
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’m betting on full faction as well. I won’t speculate about the specific event (I’m never right about that), but mark my vote in the “rerun” column. Odds are good that whoever the 400k card is will add a star for me!

  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jhamel wrote: »
    Mewtated Purris would be purrfect, however I could settle with a Dominion re-run and a new Vorta threshold character ... 4* Eris! :)

    Yeah. First Vorta we ever see, and still not in the game!!!!!

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
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