New 4* in Vault - Camp Nurse Janeway

in The Bridge
Looks like Janeway from "The Q and the Gray."


2 pulls, 2 Janeways & a Michael Sullivan. I would have liked Vash or Belle Q but I'm good with this.
Getting closer to (or staying close to) my personal goal of having all Janeways that exist in the game.
congrats on getting her! i got her on my second pull (first was riker, already immo)
awesome goal too, it’s one of mine
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
I'm only missing Arachnia.
Funnily enough, she keeps eluding me in every possible way, including the fact that the last rerun of her event (the one that was bugged and basically ended up giving her away to lots of players) was during the only 10 days since December 2016 when I've ever taken a break from Timelines
Which ones are you missing?
cool! and that’s too bad lol
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
If this question is open to the thread, then I have all the Janeways except Admiral and Klingon (and to be honest, not excited about the last one.) Only need about 6 gold cites to have the rest immortalized. (save for Nurse now, of course.)
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
@Steph loves Voyager I can relate to that. I was ftp for the first 12 months and it was very frustrating at times. I guess some things work better now (you can use warp at VIP0, for example) but for crew collecting it must be even worse
By the way, I guess you opened the single pulls for 72 dilithium? If you didn't have enough for a 10x pull and you really wanted one of the 4* in the pack, then that was the only option, but generally the single pulls are not a good bet.
Also, not sure if this helps, but if you like Timelines and keep playing for years you'll eventualy end up getting most of the crew that you want at one point or another. And this Janeway will be added to the portal sometime next year so you will definitely get her, if not from a pack then out of a voyage
I will always refer to her with this name from now one
@The Collective (PoF - FoP) They added Lucille during the year with 0 new Janeways, so I just put all of my efforts into that collection (also, I had Data V and Delta Flyer Paris at 1/5* and once immortal I knew that they would be very useful for me, at least at that time).
As for Evolved Janeway, that's really bad luck with Paris. I guess he'll have to drop at some point
@Commander Sinclair that's not bad at all! I would need a lot more cites to have them all immortal
I think I bought 7 packs this go. I stopped at the 4th Janeway. There was a Galaxy Galavanting Vash in there, so I did pretty well.
The fact is that with a 4* you know that you will probably get them anyway a few weeks or months after they are added to the portal. I wanted Seamus and the new Georgiou, but I still didn't buy those packs. This was a version of Janeway, which makes her one of very few crew additions that I would be willing to spend dilithium on even if they are super-rare.
But maybe other players are actually buying more of them than of the ones with a legendary, or we wouldn't have so many super-rares added in Tuesday packs.
I forgot to mention that I also added a star to my 6th copy of S31 Georgiou. The other 5 were very busy on shuttles last weekend.
I like my Klingon Janeway. She has high security, good traits, and sec-sci which is hard to find for voyages.