Hybrid Event Faction/Galaxy Notes: The Noblest Half - ME#1 - Edit EV Suit Spock SEC Proficiency

Spock’s family reveals that a version of Spock has been traveling across time and space, interfering with Starfleet missions, often for the worse. While Spock’s family tries to make contact with him, delve into Vulcan history with Starfleet (and the history of an alternate universe where humanity reigns supreme) to try and determine what has prompted Spock’s surprising quest.
Event Name: The Noblest Half
Event Type: Hybrid Event Faction/Galaxy
Event Start: Thursday, 10/08 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)
Event Finish: Monday, 10/12 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)
Squadrons: Y
Crew Sharing: Y (Phase 1 only)
Faction Winner Bonus: N
Community Rewards: Y (Phase 2 only)
Event Crew:
Awaiting Amanda Grayson (New) 5*
Fully Fused Fully Equipped Level 100 Skills: CMD 446 (119-259), DIP 1286 (205-416), MED 859 (205-430)
Traits: Human, Caregiver, Civilian, Communicator, Desperate
Dignitary Sarek (New) 4*
Fully Fused Fully Equipped Level 100 Skills: DIP 918 (146-257), SCI 649 (84-173), MED 378 (55-121)
Traits: Vulcan, Diplomat, Cultural Figure, Communicator, Federation, Telepath
Prospect Michael Burnham (Existing) 4*
Fully Fused Fully Equipped Level 100 Skills: DIP 334 (86-174), ENG 661 (50-143), SCI 839 (137-382)
Traits: Federation, Civilian, Astrophsicist, Xenoanthropology, Human
Ranked reward 5* crew
Captain Solok (New) - this crew will be featured event crew in the event starting on 10/15.
Fully Fused Fully Equipped Level 100 Skills: CMD 1004 (95-266), SEC 475 (88-162), SCI 1283 (199-400)
Traits: Vulcan, Starfleet, Writer, Federation, Telepath
Recurrent event threshold reward crew
EV Suit Spock (New) 5*
Fully Fused Fully Equipped Level 100 Skills: ENG 843 (221-514), SEC 613 (37-101), SCI 1270 (178-365)
Traits: Vulcan, Human, Telepath, Spiritual, Starfleet, Federation, Explorer, Crafty, Thief, Exobiology
Bonus Crew
• high bonus: event crew and EV Suit Spock
• small bonus: variants of Amanda Grayson, Sarek, M. Burnham, and crew with the Vulcan trait.
Event Factions
Federation, Terran Empire
Live long and prosper,
Unfused stats
Captain Solok
FE 1/5 level 100 CMD 556 (95-266), SEC 250 (88-162), SCI 893 (199-400)

EV Suit Spock
FE 1/5 level 100 ENG 395 (221-514), SEC 388 (37-101), SCI 880 (178-365)

Dignitary Sarek
FE 1/4 level 100 DIP 687 (146-257), SCI 421 (84-173), MED 258 (55-121)