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Event Hub feature requests

1. Have the old Event button/features instead of the Hub button when an event is running, with a new button in the event UI to take us to the hub.
2. Don't call an old event "Hybrid," tell us it was "Galaxy/Skirmish" or whatever it was.
3. Unlock the scrolling for the ranks in old leaderboards. I am keenly interested in knowing this week how many VP it took to break rank 1500 during the last event of this same type, but all I can see is the top 50 and the 50 around the rank I got.


  • (or perhaps just update all leaderboards so that, in addition to the two 50-rank ranges, we can see any ranked reward break-point)
  • This would be helpful on many levels. Please.
  • Also - add the upcoming event info at the same time you put it in the forums
  • I really hate the hub when an event is running. It basically adds two clicks every time you want to go to an event. So here is a big upvote for your idea of swapping between the hub and an event button. They could always make the "hub" a small button on the event page for people who want to see the old stats during an event.
  • Taelle Far wrote: »
    I really hate the hub when an event is running. It basically adds two clicks every time you want to go to an event. So here is a big upvote for your idea of swapping between the hub and an event button. They could always make the "hub" a small button on the event page for people who want to see the old stats during an event.

    Yep, it's just extra hoops to jump through.
    ÷Dr. Claire Finn - Admiral of the Battleship Yamato & Founder of both the Battleship Yamato & ISS Yamato
  • tytlaltytlal ✭✭✭
    please,find a space in the hub for mega calendar. i'm really annoyed when i accidetaly delete the anouncement, and then must search forums again and again for dates
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