Klingon O'Brien & Anbo...Riker
Space Cowboy
Just curious. How many of you found any use keeping and maxing Klingon O'Brien and Anbo-jyutsu Riker?
I am serious considering airlocking them rather than waste valuable resources on them.
I am serious considering airlocking them rather than waste valuable resources on them.
It really depends where you are at in the game. If you don’t have a lot of back log, they are fully fuzed and you are not hurting for space then you should keep them.
I personally finished O’Brien during event but have been finishing Kira and Paris this week so no riker yet. I can fe 3-4 a week at this point because of voyages and replicator.
Same strategy for riker. Finished 1877. No interest in another Klingon when I have tkumva, proto Worf, Baku Worf, klaa and so on. What was dB thinking?
I always keep main cast crew to prep for the next event they show up in
O'Brien is much more interesting. He's a decent Voyage character and unlike most versions of O'Brien his main stat is DIP. That makes him a little more interesting as an event character. So far I'm keeping him around.
Riker was escorted straight to the airlock as soon as he came on board!
Specifically for these characters, I believe this version of Riker also has the highest SEC base of any of the non-5* Rikers and O'Brien is pretty solid in voyages, in addition to being a DIP O'Brien, which is pretty unique.
Also, if you are able to do 6+ hour voyages, I think you are overvaluing your "precious leveling resources". Chrons are plentiful, these days, so moving out FF 4*s is a great use for future benefits.
PM for details.
So long and thanks for all the fish.
Cardassian Kira is even making it on a shuttle this event, and she's downright awful.
And the kick is good for 3 points.... Yep. Main cast even with crappy stats are great in faction events.
-Lord Wizzlestix I