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Kelis Event Crew use only in 4 month?

edited November 2020 in Past Anomalies

Since when do we have to wait for an event crew to use more than one week?

19th March 2021 is a Long wait to have an event where this minstrel / actor / play writer gets his use ...
Looking for a fine fleet? With the game having reached the age of a small child, players went and newly joined. We are an active fleet and are also connected in friendship with Klingons. Grab your daily starbase donations. Get your daily Fleet Boss Battles rewards guaranteed? Chat about Trek? Want more than just the game? Consider joining [TLA] "The Liberal Alliance"Contact me in-game [TLA] Khazaan or even better on the LINE app, handle also "khazaan".


  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭

    Since when do we have to wait for an event crew to use more than one week?

    19th March 2021 is a Long wait to have an event where this minstrel / actor / play writer gets his use ...

    I made a typo, that is all - I will correct now.
    This could have been handled via a PM :)

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