EV Collection!

in The Bridge
And a nice pack with a bunch of newer 4* too.
to max out the treshhold for all the ev-crew avaliable right now would be "the kirsche of the sahnehaube"XD
Agreed. I didn't have the collection completed initially, but the pack had two 4* from recent events and a pack exclusive pike, so it was an easy buy for me. I completed Phlox and Chekov with the pack and then we'd surprised when that put me over the collection.
But i wonder if that was the point. An easy to complete collection with a pack offering the crew to complete it. TP may be seeing if they can get a lot of people to buy a couple packs vs counting on fewer people chasing the new 5* and buying a lot of packs.
Agreed. I need 3 and 2 of them are 4*. And that's the only Pike variant I dont have. But I just spent all my Dil trying to get Number One in that Friday pack.
Edit: That's the only Anson- Pike I dont have.
I'm at 8 right off the bat! Burnham needs one ⭐. Several others are FF, but not 💯 yet. Maybe they will add stages later. The top reward is below 50% of the available Crew, with A. G. joining.
I didn't look yet, but I might have open 4 🌟 Crew. And of course A. G. is brand new.
Four more crew needed to add an extra tier, maybe Picard and Worf.
The pack is great for me to, as I need stars or the crew for them all. One pull netted me the forth star for EV phlox, and the forth for Gabriel Bell.
I guess they decided to use a wide definition of environmental suit. The Breen and Andorian EV Suit Mudd did not surprise me. But Red Angel I didn't even think of.......
Now, I'm still waiting on much deserved collections for Klingons and the Dominion.
Maybe the original idea was to only include crew with „EV Suit“ in their name?
I agree another tier would be nice. Perhaps they have another EV suit character they want to roll out a few months down the road, alongside a new tier?
A letdown? An easy to complete collection that increased engineering and science stats for my crew. That is awesome! Thanks TP!
I was happy to see the new collection and am hoping that TP might add some tiers later if the collection grows in characters.
Yes, they frequently do that.
Wonder if Touchbearer Rejac should qualify 🤔
Apart from that, they will probably add tiers once there is more crew. If I remember well, none of the skill/proficiency collections have tiers at 15 and it would be weird to have a collection of this type with 21 cards in it, that requires 20 immortals to complete the last tier.
no one likes torchbearer rejac
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
Got him from a single premium pull earlier this week because the other two choices were already immortalized and neither was worth starting a second one. Can confirm, don't like him..
probably one of the least worthy 5*’s that there is imo
(i mean like he doesn’t deserve to be a 5* more than a lot of others that don’t)
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
Did anyone immortalize him so that he would help if he was in the collection?
I think there's enough EV crew that could be added to the game. Sure, the collection would be tough to hit 20 now, but maybe less hard 6 months or a year from now.
The tiers tend to go 1, 5, 10, 25, 40, 60, and 80. There is currently only 21 in the collection. We'll get a new tier in time. There is a long list of collection tiers that need added. One stops at 25 and needs 40, 60, and 80.
Picard & Worf (First Contact)
Garak, O'Brien, Nog (Empok Nor)
Thot Pran (DS9)
Reed (Romulan minefield)