Only Thing Missing is an Honor Sale

in The Bridge
Hey, it worked for a Portal Update, eventually. And it is that magical season when it feels right to start demanding something I may-or-may-not be entitled to!
This thread seems like a great way to get into that festive spirit.
(Seriously though, thanks for the Portal Update and the temporary achievement!)
This thread seems like a great way to get into that festive spirit.
(Seriously though, thanks for the Portal Update and the temporary achievement!)
Ov (Overall) | Vo (Voyage) | Fa (Faction) | Ga (Gauntlet)
Sb (Ship Battle) | Bt (Boss Battle Traits) | Co (Collection) | (Cd (Cadet)
Ov (Overall) | Vo (Voyage) | Fa (Faction) | Ga (Gauntlet)
Sb (Ship Battle) | Bt (Boss Battle Traits) | Co (Collection) | (Cd (Cadet)
But if we're just throwing out wishes for Festivus Miracles: a LTO offer of Mobile Doc or having him in a discount pack would be AWESOME!
Totally agree - those are the logical times. However - I've found that a little "buzz" certainly helps make things a reality!
Your suggestion of a Mobile Doc LTO is also good. I'd add a wish for a RPC LTO as well to that list. But that might just be crazy talk...
Ov (Overall) | Vo (Voyage) | Fa (Faction) | Ga (Gauntlet)
Sb (Ship Battle) | Bt (Boss Battle Traits) | Co (Collection) | (Cd (Cadet)
Worked is maybe overstated. The portal update thread was long around before it happend. Wait long enough and this thread will have worked as well.
But i'm more hoping on some new episodes instead.
Exactly. You hit the nail on the head.
Ov (Overall) | Vo (Voyage) | Fa (Faction) | Ga (Gauntlet)
Sb (Ship Battle) | Bt (Boss Battle Traits) | Co (Collection) | (Cd (Cadet)
Wasn’t a new episode hinted at a month or so back somewhere? Or did I imagine that?
And yes, an honour sale would definitely help with that.
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
I'd love another crew slot sale, though. Better yet, just make it 1500 dilithium permanently.
That said, yes, I'm also ready for the next one.
-- Dr. Zefram Cochrane, around 2073
I could use a crew slot sale. With the portal update I opened all of my packs and I've run out of room.
Maybe even a behold with a set choice of older golds. It might just be honor for someone, but it might net stars for some that aren't really cite worthy. Choose crew that are relevant to an upcoming mega theme or a rerun or a certain character near a birthday. Maybe even offer a choice of the three Honor Hall exclusive crew once a year. Between those three and Quinn, players need a minimum of SIXTEEN gold citations to finish crew, even F2P. There has to be a better reasonable solution and the mini event code and targeted behold coding already exists.
When you consider one of people's top complaints with the game now - decrepit legendaries - with the fact that people are now hoarding honor for these sales... well, I just find it telling. Honor sales have become the one release valve for the overvaluing of gold citations. I'm hoarding too - I kept a small pool before the second sale, and was totally unprepared for the third (thinking I had a year). I haven't spent a single honor since the last one. It just doesn't make sense not to.
I think people would be less likely to hoard if the honor prices on things were a little more reasonable. Once you've been in the game a while, most packs don't give you anything BUT honor. I don't think it is totally unreasonable to want to be able to get 1 citation for 20-30 packs (as opposed to 50).
Ov (Overall) | Vo (Voyage) | Fa (Faction) | Ga (Gauntlet)
Sb (Ship Battle) | Bt (Boss Battle Traits) | Co (Collection) | (Cd (Cadet)
I’d also like not just a few missions, but an entire new Quadrant of missions to be added. Our map has a lot of empty space.
Edit: It would be nice if the missions would reset (maybe even with evolving rewards) each time you complete it in its entirety. Something that isn’t basically “one and done”. Maybe after completing one Quadrant, you earn a shot to access a wormhole and travel to another portion of the map with new missions? Just something different...
You know why “space” is called “space” and not “stuff”? Because it is mostly space.
Oh my goodness, I never knew! Thank you for that poignant insight. And here I thought while the entire Star Trek franchise was traveling through the stars, there were all sorts of new cultures and missions they needed to complete. The shows are clearly lies about what they do in space! Foolish me. By all means, let’s leave all that “space” as just “space” and not add any “stuff” to the map or game. Do you have any actual insight on an honor sale or missions, or was snark the only thing you were trying to add to the discussion?
Don’t be so sure. Might be more out there than we think.
I hadn't expected the August sale, and I wonder if Dec/Jan is too soon for another. Although if folks are stockpiling, maybe WRG will consider doing these more often. Jan does have the DIS S3 finale, in addition to convergence day. And the next big Star Trek event I can think of is the 55th anniversary in September, although I'm sure I've missed something in the intervening months.