Time's Up - 12/03 Event / Community Portal Pulls

First time in almost 5 years of playing - hit the trifecta triple begold!
I was (sort of) tempted by Admiral Clancy, Definitely tempted by 2nd star for Leah, but in the end immortalizing took priority. 2nd star on Borg Torres wouldn't have made a difference on her, & I definitely wanted that Leland. Definitely a good Friday!

I was (sort of) tempted by Admiral Clancy, Definitely tempted by 2nd star for Leah, but in the end immortalizing took priority. 2nd star on Borg Torres wouldn't have made a difference on her, & I definitely wanted that Leland. Definitely a good Friday!

I want to become a Dilionaire...
Thanks for confirming Admiral Clancy for the community!
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
Community Pull. Added a third star to Thrax.
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
Honor. The Keldon schematics were useful.
At this point I'm only hoping for the last star on Human Airiam, and I'm getting thwarted.
most useless schems. nog was a surprise.
At least it’s the second star for the alt. 😢
One step closer to finishing that Age of Sail collection. First star on Rand. Finally a useful pull after months of junk.
Options: Chaotica- FF, Chancellor Gowron 1/5*, or Mirror Reed (Not Owned).
Took Reed as he was new, Mirror, and I needed a 5* variant of Reed. He was my final Enterprise main crew that needed a 5*. I've been trying to acquire a 5* of the main crew for event use.
Got a begold for the threshold, but a pretty miserable one.
Not the worst I have seen. T’kuvma is great in arena and skirmish if you are lacking the 6 second powerhouses. Admiral Riker is decent in gauntlet, used to be great there. And that Archer is in a couple collections and we have had more Archer events.
Well its a lot better than this doozy I got once.
I'm glad to see these threads are getting a bit more responses, there's been a few events where I don't think anyone bother to make one of these. With that said I got a straight drop and 1k honor. I really hate straight drops
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
After no luck getting her in her original event back in December 2017 3 years ago, and no sign of her since, my white whale has finally joined my crew 🖖
edit: this was my threshold pull
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
I think the portal update made it a little more exciting.
Last star on Sisko, first one on Riker, the rest of the 3*s already FF/frozen. Took Icheb over second star for Away Number 1 because I need him to unlock an Epic node (don't remember which one). And took Mudd for the EV Suit collection.
Still no Janeway...
........It’s a mostly free 10x premium portal pack, that unfortunately was not composed of 10 begolds. Sorry for your luck.
Out of curiosity, have you always been so out of touch with reality that you really believe the world owes you something? Just curious. I mean, you kind of strike me as the type of person who finds $5 on the street and curses the heavens that it wasn’t $100.
And by the way, I'm happy to find loose change on the ground.