Staff Your Ship 10x10 + Citation Deal
in The Bridge
I earned some money on an app and decided to try a couple of these. I had never purchased a pack like this before, usually only getting campaigns, but it didn't seem like a bad deal with the added citation.
I picked up a number of last stars on a few SRs and also picked up a 4th star on Thrax, and first stars on Determined Janeway, Professor Sato, Ahdar Ru'afo, and Nomad.
Admiral of Historians of Starfleet Join! Looking for daily players.
Overall, kinda disappointing, but statistically, about what I should have expected. However, with the 4 cites I also got, more than a worthwhile pull for the money.
It has bounced me out of the game after every, single cash purchase this week though. The LTOs, A dilithium pack, all four portal bounces for seven items.
I used the 4 cites to finish off Merry Men Troi and Activated Dahj