Grudge is active
in The Bridge

We are recruiting for our sister fleet, Mirror Klingon Marauders! Contact me via private message if interested
I have a 16lb (~7kg) Siamese that has a record with the state for biting. Ray has been known to try to knocking your legs out from under you to get to you. He is also loving, thoughtful and an excellent father/grandfather/great- grandfather/foster parent.
The doofus in my avatar is one of his sons. Ever had an enraged 15lb cat chase you through the house and grab your leg with all four of his and bite and kick? Vespasian gets nasty when he's displeased.
Then there was the idiot neighbor that decided to try catnapping another of Ray's boys...20lbs and half foul-tempered Siamese. He raked her with both back feet from throat to navel. She was so afraid she opened her door and put food on the stoop so he'd leave and she could close the door. Left big red scars visible months later. He mangled her even through February clothes and Charlemagne is the friendly, goofy, lovable one of the three boys.
A large cat is something to respect and even a small one with a temper is not to be triffled with. Queen Grudge is a force to be reckoned with no doubt.
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
Not just one cat, two cats! Mind blown.
That pic of the cat totally ignoring Mary, WITH A BAG OF TEMPTATIONS, is so cat........
Depends very much on the cat, but prefer certain flavors, depending on circumstance. Ves knows my mom has access to a canister each of the dairy and the chicken. i have the catnip and the turkey. The little begger goes to whoever has what and pats the ones he wants.
He's fully capable of getting the lids off himself. I've caught him trying and his brother, Ptolemy, succeding in unscrewing the lids on the big canisters. Dear, goofy Charlemagne got his head stuck in a canister they emptied once. Their dad was yowling so loud I heard him from the driveway when we got home.
Ptolemy loves the tuna ones, but they made him lose his hair.