Edit: i had some rant here about winning a dupe gold in dabo. But after later conversation i realized that served no purpose. Dabo is broken though. Llap
I actually think it makes sense for them to switch it. But, as a devil's advocate question, did you play that Dabo board with the knowledge it was a dupe?
The slippery slope here is where do you draw the line? If it should ever happen and I get even a purple, should they switch it if it's a dupe? What about schematics? Worse, you are doing this very publicly. Should they switch it, where will everyone who reads this want them to draw the line?
Honestly, I think they defined the real problem themselves. Dabo should be designed to help you. It's in their best interest to program it to populate the board with things you are likely to want to spend dilithium on. However, the flip side is that some people may actually want a dupe depending on the card.
Maybe you got a stubborn rep, maybe they have changed policy. There may also be consequences to challanging CS in public to prevent others from doing the same.
I know I played it completely a couple of times, At least once I needed the top row except for the gold. and got that one as the second top row, so I completed. Also I had a second with a gold I didn't need. That time the gold would have been the last one, so l stopped.
I won two duplicates from the Dabo board during the credit sale. I knew they were duplicates. One was a bad card, anyway. One a very good card. I decided to go for it because I wanted the purple crew to max out crew and free space. I reasoned that I have an abundance of credits and having a duplicate could avoid an all-immortalized begold. Also, at the time, I was anticipating a mega with the romantic trait. I also concluded that I can airlock one or both for honor any time I desire, so no real loss. I had other boards with better golds, but where I didn't want the purple and the gold wouldn't have benefited me.
I don't think Dabo is broken. It is very random for the gold available and extremely unlikely to win said gold. That is as intended. So what? We all know going in that winning the jackpot is very costly. I have no issue with that. I am not upset that others get lucky on occasions in which I do not. Unless you are really into gambling, never do more than the cheap spin and the free spin. You will end up with items you don't need most of the time, but you will get lucky sometimes with minor items.
Where Dabo is not random, and why it is worth it:
Dabo equipment is not very random if you have unequipped crew. Any crew you have that is not likely to be immortalized any time soon and is not an immediate benefit to your roster should be left with unbuilt equipment. Similarly, any crew who has a very common item but who is otherwise unused can be left with that item unequipped but built (for example, Frog Paris for me is immortalized and so is Lizard Janeway, but having a Frog Paris at level 2 with the uniform equipped leaves me to win lots of diplomatic protocols which are useful). Dabo spins, even just the free one and the 5000 one, win me something of use at least every-other day. Granted that this does not work with a new crew as well, but if you are saving 3/4 and new 1/4 crew, anyway, or if you have won a gold who is potentially (but not immediately) useful, then this is very good. This is more effectivethe more unequipped crew you have. Also, holding back from unnecessarily equipping crew will save chronitons and credits. Personally, I do enough each day for dailies and leave the rest. (That advice is only good once you have secured a fair crew. I don't hold back on crew that is better than what I currently have or who is useful for the current/next event.) Dabo golds, as I wrote, are very random, but Dabo purples are seldom random. They are generally crew you need. They are very low odds, such that I only naturally win one once or twice a year (other than this sale), but they are not random.
I am not sure if Dabo gives more likely equipment and purples if you have the crew checked as favorite or not. But in my stage of game-play, I just favorite any crew not not fully equipped.
Instead of focusing on how expensive Dabo is, focus on how to use it to your advantage. 5000 credits and a video spin each day is cheap and can be beneficial, but don't do more. If a credit sale ever comes up again (unlikely based on the complaints) then you will be ready.
The slippery slope here is where do you draw the line? If it should ever happen and I get even a purple, should they switch it if it's a dupe? What about schematics? Worse, you are doing this very publicly. Should they switch it, where will everyone who reads this want them to draw the line?
Honestly, I think they defined the real problem themselves. Dabo should be designed to help you. It's in their best interest to program it to populate the board with things you are likely to want to spend dilithium on. However, the flip side is that some people may actually want a dupe depending on the card.
Maybe you got a stubborn rep, maybe they have changed policy. There may also be consequences to challanging CS in public to prevent others from doing the same.
I don't think Dabo is broken. It is very random for the gold available and extremely unlikely to win said gold. That is as intended. So what? We all know going in that winning the jackpot is very costly. I have no issue with that. I am not upset that others get lucky on occasions in which I do not. Unless you are really into gambling, never do more than the cheap spin and the free spin. You will end up with items you don't need most of the time, but you will get lucky sometimes with minor items.
Where Dabo is not random, and why it is worth it:
Dabo equipment is not very random if you have unequipped crew. Any crew you have that is not likely to be immortalized any time soon and is not an immediate benefit to your roster should be left with unbuilt equipment. Similarly, any crew who has a very common item but who is otherwise unused can be left with that item unequipped but built (for example, Frog Paris for me is immortalized and so is Lizard Janeway, but having a Frog Paris at level 2 with the uniform equipped leaves me to win lots of diplomatic protocols which are useful). Dabo spins, even just the free one and the 5000 one, win me something of use at least every-other day. Granted that this does not work with a new crew as well, but if you are saving 3/4 and new 1/4 crew, anyway, or if you have won a gold who is potentially (but not immediately) useful, then this is very good. This is more effectivethe more unequipped crew you have. Also, holding back from unnecessarily equipping crew will save chronitons and credits. Personally, I do enough each day for dailies and leave the rest. (That advice is only good once you have secured a fair crew. I don't hold back on crew that is better than what I currently have or who is useful for the current/next event.) Dabo golds, as I wrote, are very random, but Dabo purples are seldom random. They are generally crew you need. They are very low odds, such that I only naturally win one once or twice a year (other than this sale), but they are not random.
I am not sure if Dabo gives more likely equipment and purples if you have the crew checked as favorite or not. But in my stage of game-play, I just favorite any crew not not fully equipped.
Instead of focusing on how expensive Dabo is, focus on how to use it to your advantage. 5000 credits and a video spin each day is cheap and can be beneficial, but don't do more. If a credit sale ever comes up again (unlikely based on the complaints) then you will be ready.