OBSIDIAN ORDER SEC31 (OBS31) Completed Starbase, fun, and competitive

Obsidian Order Section 31 are recruiting a few more Captains.
Our average fleet rankings over the past 10 weeks is 21.6 we are happy with that, but we know that with your help, we can do even better.
We offer the best gaming advice in a friendly fun atmosphere, we use the Line app to chat about Star Trek, and share new tips and tricks in a fun environment, also we share pictures of our pets, (fun is very important)
We just ask that Captains be active, and shoot for a top 7,500th finish in events.
We certainly make exceptions for newer Captains, the entry level is 50
If you think you would like to help us, and become a valued member of a great fleet,
Please apply by putting Obsidian Order Section 31 into the search for fleet tab.
Our average fleet rankings over the past 10 weeks is 21.6 we are happy with that, but we know that with your help, we can do even better.
We offer the best gaming advice in a friendly fun atmosphere, we use the Line app to chat about Star Trek, and share new tips and tricks in a fun environment, also we share pictures of our pets, (fun is very important)
We just ask that Captains be active, and shoot for a top 7,500th finish in events.
We certainly make exceptions for newer Captains, the entry level is 50
If you think you would like to help us, and become a valued member of a great fleet,
Please apply by putting Obsidian Order Section 31 into the search for fleet tab.
We currently have a Full roster but if you are a strong event player we may be able to make room . Please feel free to message me or leave a message here with your questions. We also just opened an email for any captains who might have questions it’s Obsedianordersection31@gmail.com We understand leaving a Fleet can produce anxiety. We are more than happy to answer any of your questions and put you at ease. I think you’ll find growing stronger with us Will bring a whole new life to this game.LLAP