As a banned player I don't GAF what they do, I'm not coming back either way. The amount of contempt they've shown for their loyal player base has permanently destroyed any good feelings I had for the game.
I'm also really weary of this pattern where: WRG messes up colossally, WRG gets defensive and blames/penalizes the players, players revolt, WRG finally gives in and tries to apologize/make it right. It just happened with Adira and while the resolution was appropriate, it was exhausting. Before that it was the offer wall. Again, they removed it from iOS but the whole thing was exhausting and damaging to the community. We shouldn't have to work so hard just to be treated fairly.
I believe the best way to have dealt with this was to issue a warning that any future exploitation of a bug would result in a penalty and for them to just retrieve the loot.
Removing the ban needs to be step 1. There needs to be a hell of a lot more provided for all players due to the good-will lost and impact on dailies/event.
The community has come up up numerous suggestions. I just hope TP/WRG pay heed and try and claw back some good faith. They are going to have to make a bloody big gesture otherwise (even more) players will leave in droves and the game will die.
TP/WRG you are going to see that in a drop revenue figures so please pay attention.
We have had numerous debacles but this is the most united I have seen the community for a long time.
Who is so excited about others getting screwed by clicking keep the ban
Probably some employee or a shareholder in TP stock.
As a shareholder I wouldn't be too happy they banned the most active players.
Oh, I would not either, but greed does horrible things to people’s minds especially those whose sole existence is to invest and gain stupid amounts of money. They might think this will now force people to pay for more when in reality it is the exact opposite. I have seen terrible decisions in regards to business sense when greed takes over.
There are three ways to do something; the right way, the wrong way, and the Janeway.
If it is such a problem, fire the person who made the mistake. Business owners do that all the time. We know they won't. They will fire their top players instead. It is affecting more in the game then constellations that lack the quantum to use.
I took this because I have NEVER been this high in an event. (Plus my rank is my birthday, March 27.) Not even in a Skirmish. To manage this in a Faction, with a good voyage out that hadn't made it back yet and denied my best crew for shuttles, something is terribly wrong. I want my first 1500 ranking in a non- Skirmish this year, but not like this. It is wrong, hollow. I want to know I can compete. This is a participation trophy. I may get the gold, but it will feel weird forever. I'm mostly sticking with it for my fleet and squad. No reason they need to suffer too.
W.W. CarlislePlayed since January 20, 2019Captain Level- 99 (May 9, 2022)VIP 14Crew Quarters: 485/485Most recent/Lowest- Anbo-jyutsu Kyle Riker (1/5* Lvl 30) 5/29/23Immortalized x-866 5* x184, 4* x 490, 3* x91, 2* x62, and 1* x27Most recent Immortal - Tearful Janeway 4* 5/25/23Current non-event project- Improving my Science base skill. Retrieval Project- Mestral 1/5*
24 hours is long enough. Lift the ban after 24 hours.
Also devs, please clarify that you're not calling the players cheaters or questioning their morals - only trying to keep a certain balance in the game to keep it fun for everyone.
I voted to remove the ban. While there were player that did exploit the glitch and promoted that exploitation to their fleets, the vast majority pushed the button in innocence and should not be punished for a programming error. Intent is the key here and it is difficult to prove intent.
After clearing out the “pull-19 pack” offer, I now have a large number of polestars, minimal ISM (from opening constellations), and not enough quantum to do anything (due to the first-day crew retrieval).
Did the banned players have a polestar/ISM/quantum status that significantly different than this? Doubt it. Even if so, clawback the extras and move forward.
Remove the ban and at the same time remove the “managers” responsible for thinking it was the correct response and give them a lifetime ban from ever working in customer service again.
It’s pretty obvious reading through the forums that the event leaderboard is a ghost town. I’m guessing this is costing them tens of thousands in revenue from this weekend alone. Can’t even begin to think how much will be lost long term.
I don’t know how they recover from this save for a major mea culpa and public plan to layout a proper TOS and QC plan. Even then, how do you recover from so much lost revenue?
Anyways, they know they **tsk tsk** up. They’re in disaster control mode now and probably trying to figure out how to save their jobs. Which is unfortunate. I don’t know how many people this game employs, but I have to figure it’s a couple dozen. I feel truly awful for them.
. I don’t know how many people this game employs, but I have to figure it’s a couple dozen. I feel truly awful for them.
For some time I have suspected it is just two. Shan and Ben. It is the only thing that explains the lack of care and attention. For all I know, they're the same person too. Cost-cutting since the takeover.
There are sooo many threads going on this situation, or additional thoughts brought up, (20 or more) i dont even know where to post anymore.
Basically at this point most people sticking around are new players, those who value their friendships and daily interactions found here, or gamers who truly exploit so dont care about a ban.
I can not wrap my head around why multiple mechanisms to literally cheat the game on a daily basis, such as VP/dilithium/currency multipliers can be used and those cheaters are not sought out, banned or punished but yet a programming error that appeared and was “exploited” causes a dump of supplies and a temporary ban.
I can not understand why people in the game are allowed to steal fleets, steal players (poaching), and those players are not banned.
I can not understand why the Devs keep pushing more programming without fixing the long term glitches, or without testing fully the new stuff causing more glitches.
I can not understand why the Managers can not see the actions of their own programmers continue to cause problems while the consumer is punished.
I can not understand why they can throw out the “in this together pack” frequently and not understand the meaning of the statement. It is not feeling like we are in this together anymore. It feels like the community at odds with the Devs/programmers/managers constantly now. “Community” this is supposed to be a trek based community which is also a business.
The community is getting very frustrated. The new contracts the Devs need with the Trek franchise are going to dry up if this mentality does not change.
Lets pretend....Trek franchise employees are not going to agree to new contracts to use their likeness in a gaming card if the gaming Devs can not act properly with values. ???? What if this scenario was to play out??? What then WRG? Yes, you are imploding yourself.
Give away some pixels.
Treat us like customers.
We might even think you're endearing, instead of being a flawed, bug ridden game-in-name-only.
I'm also really weary of this pattern where: WRG messes up colossally, WRG gets defensive and blames/penalizes the players, players revolt, WRG finally gives in and tries to apologize/make it right. It just happened with Adira and while the resolution was appropriate, it was exhausting. Before that it was the offer wall. Again, they removed it from iOS but the whole thing was exhausting and damaging to the community. We shouldn't have to work so hard just to be treated fairly.
The community has come up up numerous suggestions. I just hope TP/WRG pay heed and try and claw back some good faith. They are going to have to make a bloody big gesture otherwise (even more) players will leave in droves and the game will die.
TP/WRG you are going to see that in a drop revenue figures so please pay attention.
We have had numerous debacles but this is the most united I have seen the community for a long time.
Probably some employee or a shareholder in TP stock.
DB: Do Better.
Member of Starship Trista.
As a shareholder I wouldn't be too happy they banned the most active players.
Oh, I would not either, but greed does horrible things to people’s minds especially those whose sole existence is to invest and gain stupid amounts of money. They might think this will now force people to pay for more when in reality it is the exact opposite. I have seen terrible decisions in regards to business sense when greed takes over.
DB: Do Better.
Member of Starship Trista.
@WRG Ben and some of the alts he posts here with.
I took this because I have NEVER been this high in an event. (Plus my rank is my birthday, March 27.) Not even in a Skirmish. To manage this in a Faction, with a good voyage out that hadn't made it back yet and denied my best crew for shuttles, something is terribly wrong. I want my first 1500 ranking in a non- Skirmish this year, but not like this. It is wrong, hollow. I want to know I can compete. This is a participation trophy. I may get the gold, but it will feel weird forever. I'm mostly sticking with it for my fleet and squad. No reason they need to suffer too.
And ticked off a number of others.
Also devs, please clarify that you're not calling the players cheaters or questioning their morals - only trying to keep a certain balance in the game to keep it fun for everyone.
Did the banned players have a polestar/ISM/quantum status that significantly different than this? Doubt it. Even if so, clawback the extras and move forward.
Like, remove the bans and cough up a major apology package OR ELSE we all walk
I think the or else is we all stop spending. That’s where I am.
I don’t know how they recover from this save for a major mea culpa and public plan to layout a proper TOS and QC plan. Even then, how do you recover from so much lost revenue?
Anyways, they know they **tsk tsk** up. They’re in disaster control mode now and probably trying to figure out how to save their jobs. Which is unfortunate. I don’t know how many people this game employs, but I have to figure it’s a couple dozen. I feel truly awful for them.
For some time I have suspected it is just two. Shan and Ben. It is the only thing that explains the lack of care and attention. For all I know, they're the same person too. Cost-cutting since the takeover.
Basically at this point most people sticking around are new players, those who value their friendships and daily interactions found here, or gamers who truly exploit so dont care about a ban.
I can not wrap my head around why multiple mechanisms to literally cheat the game on a daily basis, such as VP/dilithium/currency multipliers can be used and those cheaters are not sought out, banned or punished but yet a programming error that appeared and was “exploited” causes a dump of supplies and a temporary ban.
I can not understand why people in the game are allowed to steal fleets, steal players (poaching), and those players are not banned.
I can not understand why the Devs keep pushing more programming without fixing the long term glitches, or without testing fully the new stuff causing more glitches.
I can not understand why the Managers can not see the actions of their own programmers continue to cause problems while the consumer is punished.
I can not understand why they can throw out the “in this together pack” frequently and not understand the meaning of the statement. It is not feeling like we are in this together anymore. It feels like the community at odds with the Devs/programmers/managers constantly now. “Community” this is supposed to be a trek based community which is also a business.
The community is getting very frustrated. The new contracts the Devs need with the Trek franchise are going to dry up if this mentality does not change.
Lets pretend....Trek franchise employees are not going to agree to new contracts to use their likeness in a gaming card if the gaming Devs can not act properly with values. ???? What if this scenario was to play out??? What then WRG? Yes, you are imploding yourself.
They would work if TP/WRG gave a damn about the players or the game. But they don't, so they don't.