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They Didn't Actually Listen

edited February 2021 in The Bridge
The precedent:

You may press a button that they put there. You may get banned for that.
They can login to your account at whim and take what they like. Stuff you paid for.
They will not apologise for being rude and labelling you a cheat.

The community is the glue that holds this game together, not the pixels, 'features' or the company. They have mistreated the glue.


  • Out of interest I logged into my account. Every polestar is gone and there is one pack available to claim in the portal (I'm far to scared to press 'claim' to see what's within) . So anyone who did not 'buy again' gets nineteen packs and anyone that did 'buy again' gets less than they had before. Absolute pile of stinky stuff.
  • I suspect that what made the accounts allegedly unstable was not the grabbing but the banning/unbanning. Their announcement was noticeably vague on this point.
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    I suspect that what made the accounts allegedly unstable was not the grabbing but the banning/unbanning. Their announcement was noticeably vague on this point.

    But they have banned accounts before. Have there ever been problems with those afterwards?
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • Out of interest I logged into my account. Every polestar is gone and there is one pack available to claim in the portal.

    For the record I was banned, but upon logging in, I do not have the portal pack available. So a CS ticket has been sent. So at the moment all is not fixed, and my play will be limited for a time.
  • dext74dext74 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Navarch wrote: »
    How we got to this point is mind-blowing. We have 2 versions of this story now, each of which is equally bonkers. Both started with TP releasing a pack that did not limit players from grabbing more than 1.

    Under option 1: TP saw this act as an act of malice and sought to set an example of these players. They had their accounts suspended for 3 days and were basically called thieves.

    Under option 2: TP noticed that the data from the packs had reduced the stability of these accounts and so locked them out for 72 hours. They then told players that they had been banned, while TP tried to fix these issues. They made a public message saying that TP stood behind these account suspensions without mentioning the fact that these accounts were unstable. There is also the issue that fleets and squads were harmed by those actions.

    Either way, TP made a huge blunder in communication and its own actions. They turned a molehill into a mountain and I don’t see how Timelines can (or even deserves) to recover from this.

    I also presume that since their story changed, they’re either more incompetent than I thought or they’re lying to us. Neither option encourages spending by me.

    This is their standard operating procedure. Save face by making a quick blanket statement and shove the issue under a rug and then later release an updated statement thats contradictory to the first without acknowledging the first.

    Example: Adira

    1) We swapped the art, this is a good card too, no big deal. Stop acting like the art matters.

    2) We weren't legally supposed to release this card yet.

    And then add a couple statements about reviewing internal procedures for quality control to make sure it never happens again.

    ... and then ignore that last statement and repeat about 4 times in the last few months.
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