Campaigns- gold item retrieval for ISM?

in The Bridge
Assuming I understood the change correctly, I am very much against the change. I purchased the premium campaign primarily for the gold items and the extra chronitons. Perhaps I won’t purchase anymore. Anyone else feel this way or am I misunderstanding something?
Sorry this hurts your game.
I like the change. Couldn t care less about the mainly useless crates. Great replacement. ISM allows us to do more scans and collect more polestars, which results in better options to craft the most wanted crew.
The 18000 ISM is excellent! Well done!
If TP couldn't find a way to fix that, then getting rid of them is far better IMO.
I'm with you. This switch is giving me serious thoughts of skipping campaigns, if the gold isn't something I can use. As is, I have ZERO reason to buy her before the last day. I anticipated the crates more than the 5*, most of the time. I wanted more crates not less.
Now, I will say that this much ISM needs to be paired with more ways to use it. Constant scanning isn't going to cut it; a more direct way to get Constellations is also needed.
I have opened crates in the campaign that have awarded me items I have had before.
Once I opened a crate and it awarded me three copies of the same piece of clothing for a crew member, whom I was not actively levelling. I went to that crew, and found I had a total of 18 copies of that item, because previous crates had awarded that item, and I had not equipped it.
For equipment crates to be useful, the algorithm choosing the equipment needs a serious overhaul.
When you don't have a lot of crew to level, those gold crates give you a lot of Rare items, which can be just as hard to track down as the 2*, 1*, and 0* items. Things have improved with the recent update with items in the inventory being labeled, and in something approaching alphabetic order, but it's still not what I'd call simple.
Honestly, not fighting/arguing with you on this, it's just that some of us have a different experience. If these crates prioritized open equipment slots, and delivered, I'd probably be annoyed with this change. But that's not how they were ever coded.
The last gold crate I opened, I got 1 5*, 2 4*, and 1 3* equipment items. All of them were used up within 20 minutes. One of them let me roll someone to the next tier and I had all four of those items. They work perfectly for some of us.
I agree about the rare items. That was why I did not mention it. But, you are right to point it out because most of the time that is what will drop.
Good call IMO TP!
I think players in small and mid lvl fleets will appreciate the change since their fleets are not hitting maximum ism dailies.
Why replace crates specifically though? Why not the miniscule honor, or rations? The crates have been totally worth. I've gotten so many 4* and 5* items that I actually needed, and saved me many faction missions and chronitons. All I'm saying is the ISM could have been added another way. Either by not replacing anything period, or by changing something meaningless, NOT equipment crates that some players actually looked forward to receiving.
Exactly! 🙂
@Shan please help us communicate this to the developers.
All of your complaints are valid. I remember those struggles. I remember never being able to get a legendary part lvl 60 because the equipment was too costly, I remember having to wait for 4 more chrons to replenish so I could make another attempt for that one item I needed. I remember being so dependent on honor for crew trainers. These are all struggles of the early game. But with time and the right crew and resource management, they will be struggles that you will pass.
I remember the moment when I realized I would never have to buy trainers again, and all honor could go to citations, I remember getting my first legendary crew to lvl 100 and more recently the feeling of disbelief when I finish a galaxy or a skirmish with 30,000+ chrons still left.
If you enjoy the game, keep going. It can be done, I didn't have campaign item packs when I was there, but they would have helped I am sure. Work on 1 or 2 crew at a time and you will break through those early game issues and get into the larger strategy of the game play.
I guess I am a late game player? Almost?
I'm not really worried about ISM.
*I have nowhere to put crew, as I'm loaded up with scoundrels 'til Monday.
*I don't have quantum for another 10 days.
*My ad scans don't work right. They just crash my game, so I'm just doing enough for the achievement until it gets fixed. They want my ad revenue- they can fix an old problem and not cause more.
Why not add a weekly community reward based on various tasks that awards all active players? X shuttles one week. Gauntlets the next. We are supposed to be in this together right? Make the milestones reasonable, but endless. As long as we grind it out, we get more.
Or how about just converting surplus accolades to ISM?
They could have added it in so, so many places. Gauntlet boxes, Skirmish bonuses, collections, lots of options that would not make some players hoping karma comes at them like a dominatrix nun with a bull whip and a cattle prod.
Ultimately, ask yourself if you want the means to get more targeted crew, even if only twice a month, or a few items, half of which are useless. As much as I have occasionally gotten decent drops, I expect that the ability to have more polestars when my quantum recharges.
Think like this: yes, you lose out on some items, but you have a much improved chance of getting good polestars so that you can target desired crew a couple times a month. More of your desired crew trumps a few items, in my opinion.
In addition, if you are someone who likes to buy the campaign at the end, the crates are much less likely to give useful things all at once, so if you get it at the end, the massive dump of ISM would still be good.