Single Skill Doc McCoy...

in The Bridge
...might actually be the crew member that sees true daily use for me. That base goes out on shuttles every day, and even beats some bonus crew during faction events. This is useful too, because it frees up other crew to be available for voyages and the like.
Can I suggest it might be cool to get similar crew for the other skill stats? Who do we think they should be? A single skill Picard or Quark for DIP? A particular Sisko or Janeway for COM? A one skill Tuvok or Worf for SEC?
...and they should also bump Captain Scott’s ENG stat by a big amount, lol, to make him sorta useful...
Can I suggest it might be cool to get similar crew for the other skill stats? Who do we think they should be? A single skill Picard or Quark for DIP? A particular Sisko or Janeway for COM? A one skill Tuvok or Worf for SEC?
...and they should also bump Captain Scott’s ENG stat by a big amount, lol, to make him sorta useful...
His 5* is lower than Bones's 1*
I second the motion.
Security would have to be Avenging Seven with the dual rifles.
Have to think on these.
shirtless Kirk would like to have a word:
Georgiou would be my recommendation for a pure SEC, drawing from one of her extended fight scenes - the Saloon in Season 3 immediately comes to mind, or maybe the fight with Control.
With six main skills, and six main series, it would be neat to do a series. (Sorry Scott, you'll have to be replaced!)
TOS is MED, this has TNG as SCI and DIS as SEC. Maybe O'Brien for ENG. Sato or Neelix for DIP, and Janeway or Archer for CMD.
+1 on this!
I think that would triple his value.
Com - Captain Tribble (I see the error of my ways @eXo | das411
Dip - Sheliak Negotiator
Sci - Cytherian Head
Sec - Definitely the Pendari Champion but, if not, then the Genesis Device.
Eng - if refreshing Scotty isn’t an option (which, the more I think about it, it should be, just as they’re refreshing artwork), then ExoComp.
Ooo, or maybe a Sarek & Amanda
I don't like the idea of updating old crew in general, but Captain Scott would be a worthy exception for ENG. And they technically already set a precedent for this by updating Locutus of Borg a few years ago.
For SCI, maybe Albert Einstein or Isaac Newton from the episode where they play poker with Data? Stephen Hawking was also in that scene, but it might be harder to secure the rights for him.
CMD is hard because the best contenders are already in the game: Kahless, TOS Pike, Khan Noonien Singh, the Female Changeling, etc. Maybe Fleet Admiral Shanthi from TNG's Unification arc? Or Admiral Vance from the latest season of Discovery?
What about a Picard-Sarek merge card?
There aren't a lot of MED seats, and Bones still goes on a ton of shuttles for me. If we had similar characters for CMD, DIP, and SEC they'd see even more use. And any one of them would immediately eclipse a ton of two-skillers who rely on shuttles for their value.
I'm not saying I'm opposed to these cards, just that I think my initial enthusiasm didn't consider their full impact. Given that it's been over a year since Bones arrived, I don't think we're at risk of a rapid deployment of more one-skill legendaries.
You make a couple of very good points. They would be great in certain faction events, huh? I suppose going non-main would help, though I like the legendary main characters having legendary bases!
As to the two skill legendaries losing value... I don’t know if they even have any, with or without the single skill legendaries. That’s a problem too, as you suggest. I think it’s because their bases AREN’T actually appreciably better than three skillers. Maybe that’s a better approach, make sure that two skillers have higher bases than they have been given going forward...
The bigger issue is there are so many crew to cite, players need to prioritize who to cite. Most players prioritize voyages. Since 1 and 2 skill crew aren't useful on voyages, they won't get cited. And 1/5 base states are comparable to 4/4 base stats with 4/4 being able to live in the freezer. There is very little reason for players to invest in 2 skill 5* crew.
Even McCoy with his crazy high base I've kept at 4/5. He's not going on voyages so I don't want to waste a cite. I don't care about non-event shuttles. And for an event his base needs to compete with med bonus crew. Sometimes he's still used, but not often enough that I want to spend 40k on McCoy rather than a crew that will help all my voyages.
At a certain point, voyages are full. It helps to get some of the less common skill combos, but they begin to make less and less difference. At some point, that citation on McCoy will actually make a difference, causing him daily nonevent use, and more importantly, regular faction event use. FF he does beat a lot of “small” bonus MED crew in faction events, in part because MED is a lot less common than other traits. Granted, MED event shuttles are a lot less common too... but it’s still a useful contribution.
Daily non-event shuttle useless is pointless. I have more trainers than I'll ever need. I have plenty of faction items and more replications and rations than I need to to replicate items I'm missing. And since shuttle difficulties adjust themselves, improving a daily shuttle won't even net me more success in the long term. The only use for a high base crew are events. Does McCoy help a little there, sure. Would I rather improve a rare voyage skillset instead, absolutely.
I would think Morn would be a diplomacy contender.
Steal and building, I can't honestly think of a reason that Protomorphosis Worf has Command. If we're wishing for reworks, he's the most sensible Security, IMO.
Another suggestion for Dip, Positronic Implant Bareil.
1701, eh?
Perfect idea. This is why I started this thread! I do think there’s a place for these crew members, especially as I mentioned, McCoy is on a shuttle right now. And I have no doubt he might very well able to contribute this weekend!
And I loved the other suggestions, everyone, keep them coming. The Jayden Data SCI card would be a great addition... but I am evidently biased towards The Next Gen, because all my favorite picks are TNG!