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FREEDOM FIGHTERS! (main fleet) is Recruiting!

The Freedom Fighters! fleets are some of the oldest fleets in STT. Our main [FF] fleet has several openings right now.

As a member, you’ll enjoy the benefits of a fully-maxed starbase, mentoring from seasoned STT captains, and plenty of camaraderie. Captains are expected to participate in events and contribute daily, but there is NO pressure to spend money or max out in every event. We're a laid back group that loves the Star Trek franchise and enjoys STT.
Our requirements are simple:
• Minimum Level of 40
• Completion of Daily Targets
• Regular Event Participation
• Communication when you’re going to be offline
We encourage using the Line app for communicating (but it’s not required).

Contact me, [FF] Admiral Founder, in game for questions.

Join us and have fun!!!
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